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OSTA SARM blood work in link soon!!

combine the two and you may have something amazing!

I am waiting for logs of the stack, very interested...

running Osta now.

btw - one week after my test cycle finished I lost about 15% of strength, but in week 3 of PCT: Nolva + HCGenerate + Unleashed + Osta - I had all my strength back, AND I looked harder and leaner.

I am on day 12 of Osta only cycle now. muscles are getting fuller and rounder. I am horny as hell (well I always am). Loving it.
Okay it dawned on me today. Screw the bloodwork. What someone needs to do is man up and superdose this at like 75mg a day or something and see if there are side effects. Hell I don't really care if there are I just want to see what kind of gains are attainable at that dose. Never heard of anyone going over 30mg.
Okay it dawned on me today. Screw the bloodwork. What someone needs to do is man up and superdose this at like 75mg a day or something and see if there are side effects. Hell I don't really care if there are I just want to see what kind of gains are attainable at that dose. Never heard of anyone going over 30mg.

Radar went up to 100mg I believe...

If you buy me another bottle, I will dose 100mg ED..
Haha I bet you would. Well I gotta check out radars log then. Once my busted leg heals I might do a log
I want a pure log on just purely osta sarm. This has a huge potential for younger builders who don't want to lose all their testosterone so young such as myself but want to up the game a bit. So hopefully my log will help show if its effective for us natural younguns.
I want a pure log on just purely osta sarm. This has a huge potential for younger builders who don't want to lose all their testosterone so young such as myself but want to up the game a bit. So hopefully my log will help show if its effective for us natural younguns.

It is the perfect compound for just that!
I am getting my 46 year old Dad a bottle.
He eats healthy, plays tennis, basketball, lifts weights..
Has bad joints, back, lower test levels..
Want to see how much OSTA could help all his probs!
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