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News Around The Boards - Matt on Combat Tae Kwon Do and Martial Arts by Lacey Sachet


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News Around The Boards - Matt on Combat Tae Kwon Do and Martial Arts
by Lacey Sachet - Admin @


- Lacey Sachet/Team I asked Matt to give us a synopsis of his life to date to which he replied..

Matt: I grew up an Air Force brat so my family and I moved around a bit. I was born here in Texas which is where we lived until I was 6. The family and I then moved to Alaska, which at the time was considered an overseas assignment for my Dad who was a navigator on C-130’s. We moved from Alaska to California when I was 10 and from California back to Texas when I was 15. I finished high school in Abilene, Texas and went on to Texas A&M University where I earned a BA in Accounting and, most importantly, where I met my wife, Pam. Upon graduating in December of 1995, I accepted an offer with a financial printing company in Houston, which I still work for.
Pam and I have 2 children, whom we home school.

  • Name: Matt
  • Age: 33
  • Height: 6’0”
  • Weight: 195 lbs.
  • Screen Name: The Munster
  • Website:
  • Contact Information: [email protected]
  • Educational Background: BA Business, Accounting from Texas A&M University
  • Occupation: Financial Printing
  • Years training: 10 Martial Arts, 12 Weightlifting
  • Rank:
    -1st Dan Black Belt, Tae Kwon Do, 12/05/1987, United States of America Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan, signed by Myung K. Kang
    -2nd Dan Black Belt, Tae Kwon Do, 06/08/1991, Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan Association, signed by Hong, Chong Soo
    -2nd Dan Black Belt, American Combat Tae Kwon Do, 08/05/2005, American Combat Arts Federation, signed by James R. Mahan

To read more please, click here.
Re: News Around The Boards - Matt on Combat Tae Kwon Do and Martial Arts by Lacey Sac

I don't think he has a MMA record. After reading the interview, it looks like he trains in a style if ITF TKD crossed with grapping/submissions.
Personally I dont see the point in just training. I dont want to sound like a dick to the guy, Im sure he is very skilled and could kick my ass. But to me thats the only way to judge where you are at. There is a huge difference between sparring and competing, and competing vs a street fight. I found that out when I boxed - a decade or so ago.
KD1 said:
Personally I dont see the point in just training. I dont want to sound like a dick to the guy, Im sure he is very skilled and could kick my ass. But to me thats the only way to judge where you are at.

That's fine, but keep in mind not everyone trains to compete; and everyone trains for a different reason. Some people could care less "where they are at".

In this day and age where MMA, BJJ and MT are the flavours of the month, and with Spike TV pushing UFC, every Tom, Dick, and Harry now consider themselves "Cage fighters", with every other martial art " garbage" unless it's used in "the ring". And that would be ignorance and disrespect talking.

KD1 said:
There is a huge difference between sparring and competing, and competing vs a street fight. I found that out when I boxed - a decade or so ago.

I can't argue with you there, but I don't think that interview had anything to do with competition. It was just highlighting one martial artist and the road he's taken.
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