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New Drug Testing policy by the WWE.

DarkEnigma said:
Oh the heels of the tragic death of Eddie Guerrero and the recent suspension of Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore, the WWE is going to create a new drug testing policy that test for rec drugs and STEROIDS! Now with this being said....I look at it like this.....either this is a crock of shit in which Vince McMahon is tryin to take some heat off his ass or you can kiss Triple H, Batista, Lashley, John Cena, Kurt Angle, and others goodbye because there ain't no way especially the first three names mentioned can pass a steroid test. I think that the recreational drug testing is a definite plus....but come on....steroids?? Everybody knows that steroids are a part of the WWE, hell they are probably a part of the independent wrestling scene as well in some ways.

Yes ... and Vinnie can pee in the cup also.

Remember the big improvement and weight gain he made a few years ago when he decided to go into the ring? And he was so tight with his future son-in-law HHH? And how the both of them incurred the same ripped quad injury?

WWE is entertainment! The bigger the better!
LT3 said:
Bro you should have seen them yesterday. masters looked like a regular wrestler compared to lashley. and a.l., lashley is build like a bber, have u seen his back? lesnar was big but he was built like a wrestler. bottom line lashley is great.

ill put lashley in lesnars league when he starts throwing around the big show like a rag doll.
You must spread some Karma around before giving it to asianlover again.

ill put lashley in lesnars league when he starts throwing around the big show like a rag doll.

Agreed, so far he;s thrown around the normal guys, but im looking forward to the big matches.
chris masters has the best physique in wrestling and hes only 22

no man, he has no lats and no chest depth. id take bautista and Lashley (Crazy back) over masters anyday. but ye for his age he;s awesome.
Funny they clearly pushed roid use in WWE if you werent big enough you didnt play the game....Id say hes trying to get the heat off his ass...
bigtravis said:
yeah. no shit. you actually think that Vince McMahon of all people abides by any type of rules. he could give two shits about what happens to any of those guys. the only concern that ass has if one of his attractions dies is his loss of revenue.

i agree 100%. money drives this man. but this business is his business so can you blame him. these guys are all grown men, just as we are, who can make their own decisions.

and if you take AS out of wwe, what have you got left? people pay to see these larger than life characters that were created by the wwe. if they can run it clean, by all means, but imo it will never happen.
hey bros
boy if they threw the roids out maybe then HHH would go back to his original size and also Hardcore Holly or when he started it was Sparkplug Holly LOL, remember those transformations.......
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