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My first cycle


New member
So guys

Thought I would post up just for some wisdom and also a record of my first cycle

I'm doing 500mg test e per week for 10 weeks
And anabol/Oxys 50mg per day for 4 weeks as a kick start

I'm 23 and have been lifting for 5 years consistently

Currently weight 83kg
5ft 10
Bf unknown if I had to haze id say circa 15%

I started on the 2nd of January

I'm going to be pinning my quads throughout. My first jab went well but I forgot to Asperate however jab didn't hurt at all. However I limped around for 4-5 days due to the after pain. Obviously practice makes perfect
My second jab this Sunday and I made sure I Asperated this time. Went in a little slow so I heard the skin tear which was cringe. However I would rather be a bit more precise then doing it too fast and get a rebound twitch. However this time I made sure I massaged for around 10 minutes and done some light squats and then went for a walk. Safe to say the pain only last for 1-2 days which I'm happy with.

The anadrol has definately kick in now I'm definately fuller and the strength is there for sure. I won't be going higher than 50mg ED as I want to keep side effect to a minimum

Prior to my cycle I as natural spotty on my back and Chest so was really worried about the acne side effect.

I've been having 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar upon waking and also 5gs of vitamin b5 throughout the day. Also showering twice a day and my evening shower I get my Mrs to run tea tree soap all over my back. Safe to safe it's cleared up loads already.:9 hopefully when the sides really kick it it will still keep it at bay. I will resort to subbeds if I have to but would prefer not too if I can get away with it.

I feel as though either the b5 or than anadrol is playing havoc with my stomach though had a bit of a belly ache all day for sure. And eating my third meal was certainly more difficult than I anticipated as I'll eat anything lol.

Diet is going to be really clean throughout the process

Example day of food
Meal 1 beef stew with loads of veg and 100g dry weight of white basmati rice

Meal 2 200g tuna and 100g of the same rice

Meal 3 large chicken breast and 100g dry weight rice

Pre workout coffee and creatine

Scivation xtend bcaas throughout workout

Post workout
40g optimum nutrition gold standard weigh
70g maltodextrin
With some additional creatine

Post workout meal

200g beef lean mince and 200gs White potatoe

Handful of cashews between meal 1-2
Avocado between meal 2-3
Omega 3 tabs with most meals

18-21 days after last jab
Week 1: 500iu hcg mon - fri
Week 2: 500iu hcg 50mg clomid mon - fri
Week 3: 50mg clomid mon - fri

Novadex will be on hand in case of gyno

Any thought welcome

I appreciate drop may be harsh for first cycle however I really wanna pack on some serious size and with my pct retain as much as possible
Why jumping on such a strong compound as anadrol for your first cycle? In my opinion you could just go with dbol for a kick-start on the same dose.
If I'm completely honest this was the better branded between the two on offer from a friend. And got them cheap as they were a remainder of the 100 box he had so can't complain. From my research they are not overly different and although a harsh compound in on a low dosage and will only be doing 4 weeks max.

Although I think it would have probably been my preference judging by the research I've seen many more people seem to be using dbol
Thanks all the same bro
pct is crap man.

you need to run serms for at least 4 weeks.
nolva 40 40 20 20 10
clomid 50 25 25 25

stop hcg use 5 days prior to using serms
Juice up on the B5 for acne... 3/4 teaspoon (buy bulk powder) 2x day for a week to get used to it then go up to 4-5x/ day as needed.

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So this morning I got woke up at around 5am with stomach ache, I'm not sure if it the drol or the vitamin b5 I've been taking in high dosage. Not sure which one to Come off of. It's not a gassy stomach and I'm not passing wind really. Just my stomach feel like it's in knots
It could be both, vitamin b5 can cause stomach issues in high doses, always happens with me in the beginning. You could just wait a few more days and see if your body will get used to it, in case the pain is not an overkill.
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