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injection site, more muscle?..


New member
i was talking with a mate of mine today who is on the steroids for awhile now, he asked me where do i inject and i told him my arse. then he replyd with 'you should do it in your shoulders becuz it makes them bigger'

he told me whatever muslce u inject to it will make that certain muscle bigger.

so does this mean will my arse be bigger then the rest of my body becuz i inject into my arse?!?!

any truth in this at all?
kylewoods said:
i was talking with a mate of mine today who is on the steroids for awhile now, he asked me where do i inject and i told him my arse. then he replyd with 'you should do it in your shoulders becuz it makes them bigger'

he told me whatever muslce u inject to it will make that certain muscle bigger.

so does this mean will my arse be bigger then the rest of my body becuz i inject into my arse?!?!

any truth in this at all?

no. but you did make me laugh.
ha ha ha...big arses all up in here!! ha ha..that was funny...come on now...if your anywhere familiar with body know that alot of the guys shoot in the ass...and they dont have big arses...lets use some common sense shall we.
swordfish151 said:
ha ha ha...big arses all up in here!! ha ha..that was funny...come on now...if your anywhere familiar with body know that alot of the guys shoot in the ass...and they dont have big arses...lets use some common sense shall we.

lol aye :) but still its better to be safe than sorry, if i did't ask i'd be thinking about it 2 much :) thanks for clearing this up peeps, will inform my mate now hehe :)
even worse, if that was true think of all the bros who only inject in one side due to what hand they are, right delt, quad and ass cheek be a tad out of proportion :p
Try injecting into his head. His brain might get a bit bigger and he'll stop spreading bullshit.
azul said:
Try injecting into his head. His brain might get a bit bigger and he'll stop spreading bullshit.

LMAO.....what the big deal with having a big "arse" as you put it? Just do what I do when someone says I have a big butt. I just tell them it takes a big hammer to drive a big nail.

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