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Why am I finding it difficult to inject in the top region of my ass ? I've never had this problem now I'm jabbing hard and barely piercing my skin ?
Any suggestions
Use the larger needles for drawing you can by a 5p pack of 18 ga needles for $10 and it's worth it.....I pin with 25 ga and when I used to draw and pin with the same needle I had that problem.
Yes if you pin with the same needle that you draw with it can be dull. Always switch up the needles.
And not sure where light saber got his pricing or if it was a typo, but 100 needs should run you like $7-8.
Could be built up scar tissue.

How long have you been on? How often do you rotate injection sites?
When you inject the same spot too often scar tissue builts up inside the muscle and makes it hard for the needle to penetrate. You should switch more sites or aim for a different spot.
I love injecting Delts. I only inject max 1cc in them, though. Anything more than that I go for the Glutes and Quads. I started just doing Quads exclusively first.
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