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Improperly diagnosed with Marfans, back to weight lifting need some pointers, motivation please


New member
Alright, my doctor diagnosed me about 4 months ago with Marfans Syndrome. After EKG's and all kinds of tests and seeing a specialist I just have off the wall genetics.

I was told to stop lifting and doing hard exercises asap, so I'm kinda back to square one. I lifted hard and ate somewhat right since october 2005 to jaunuary 2007 and ended up dead walled with a measly 135lb bench.

My measurements on my doctors chart are:
age: 22y 7m
Height- 80"
wingspan 82"
wrist (circum) 6.5"

Chest 41"
Waist 38"

weight 194lbs

I'm a beanpole at the moment. Which wasn't always the case, my senior year of high school I was 6'2" 290lbs and was 6'3" 315lbs when I started college. Over a year I lost a TON of weight and grew, no drugs or anything just one day snapped out of it.

My half brother is 6'5" 280lbs ripped and doesn't lift but once a week or so. Not serious and no diet.

My dad is 6'7" 240 and is built almost exactly like I am, but he eats junk.

I do have problems gaining weight for some reason now, I have been hitting fast food and carbs like crazy and shot up 3lbs. Should I just keep on this process till I peak?

Without rambling on anymore I just want to know if I am not cut out to have decent muscle mass. I have massive legs, but my arms are just freakin pathetic. I can wrap my fingers around my wrist and go down about 4" above my elbow...sheesh.

Alright thanks and I hope I don't get flamed and de karmaed for the odd post!
good to hear nothing is wrong. You need to eat atleast 4k/day. you can get some of this but not all from shakes with lots of calories. you must keep your protien and gppd fats high. keep woring out if you juise get on some good shit.
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