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I was wondering what type of testosterone was used for Testosterone Replacement Therapy to treat Hypogonadism? I have read it is usually Sustanon 250 but is this always the case? Thanks for your input.
The treatment for Hypogonadism is for life. TRT is not cycled like roids. Therefore many TRT guys switch up the type of test they use every so often so that their receptor sites do not build up a tolerance to certain esters. Test enanthate and test cypionate are usually the first choices. Sust 250 can be used as well. Some pharmacies come up with their own mixtures of different esters. It just depends on what pharmacy compounds your drugs.
I am on Test C for secondary hypogonadism.

The Dr. let me choose between that and Test E.

Since I had a lot of Test C laying around, the choice was simple.

Hey Black market

In the UK it's gels; Nebido (testosterone Undecanoate); Sustanon 250; and in some cases enanthate, rarely cypionate.

However, in the USA I think there isn't much to go on except testosterone cypionate or enanthate (less common). I do know there's a version of Nebido hitting the shelves in the USA that is around 700mg testosterone Undecanoate, and taken every 6 to 8 weeks. I got it, it's called Aveed and is 750mg TU in a 3ml solution:

I reckon you made the right choice anyway. Although enanthate and cypionate are practically the same compound, I do find cypionate more potent regards increasing libido. Still, we are all different and react to drugs in our own unique way.

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umm, this is a 5 year old thread.
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