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How Big Are You

19 years old
232 pounds
my bf is really high now in mide 20%'s

next cycle is pure cutting fuck mass i wana get ripped
G-dog to answer your question on what I'm taking. Well my answer isn't all that exciting because I just finished my clomid from my last cycle 2 weeks ago. Right now I'm taking glutamine, creatine, Xenadrine, food and water. I've gained 5 solid pounds since I came off my clycle which is cool. I think I needed to relearn how to gain weight w/o roids. This off period is teaching me lots of new things that I wasn't doing before.

As for my next cycle which I'll probably start very late Jan or early Feb.... So far it'll include 750-1000mgs of test, some d-bol possibly deca and some winny. Or Test, fina, d-bol. I want to put on 10-20lbs in my next cycle. I have time to think it over and get advice on it. Your a big kid G-dog lol 5'11 and 296 lol, thats a lot of steaks. Goodluck with your next cycle and your training.
Around 203 or so....
Bodyfat about 8 POSSIBLY 9% max, waterlogged but can still see serratus / obliques and vascularity in my stomach.

Arms Pumped: 17.25 right / 17 even left
Calves Pumped: 16.75 roughly
Quads Cold: 26

All I can remember right now..
SaltyOlPirate said:
G-dog to answer your question on what I'm taking. Well my answer isn't all that exciting because I just finished my clomid from my last cycle 2 weeks ago. Right now I'm taking glutamine, creatine, Xenadrine, food and water. I've gained 5 solid pounds since I came off my clycle which is cool. I think I needed to relearn how to gain weight w/o roids. This off period is teaching me lots of new things that I wasn't doing before.

As for my next cycle which I'll probably start very late Jan or early Feb.... So far it'll include 750-1000mgs of test, some d-bol possibly deca and some winny. Or Test, fina, d-bol. I want to put on 10-20lbs in my next cycle. I have time to think it over and get advice on it. Your a big kid G-dog lol 5'11 and 296 lol, thats a lot of steaks. Goodluck with your next cycle and your training.
Glad to see someone that eats like I do-what R U doing diff. that U weren't doing B4? How many cycles have you done and with what drugs? EAT EAT EAT GROW GROW GROW!!!!!!!!
astro01 said:
Glad to see someone that eats like I do-what R U doing diff. that U weren't doing B4? How many cycles have you done and with what drugs? EAT EAT EAT GROW GROW GROW!!!!!!!!
Forgot-g-dogg from home
Astro01 When I started working out seriously I did 2 6week cycles of andro from Max muscle. The first cycle bumped me from 125 to 155. The second cycle maybe I gained a couple pounds nothing special.

My first cycle of roids consisted of sust. 500mgs for 7 weeks. I think that short cycle bumped me to 165.

My second cycle was 750mgs of sust for 8 weeks; 300mgs of eq for 10 weeks; d-bol 30mgs for 4 weeks. I hit around 175 on that cycle, went on vacation on my tenth week of the cycle. Didn't workout for 3 weeks, started drinking again due to my 21st birthday. Got a little fat lol for the first time in my life. Then I started to cut down with eca, I probably dropped down to 168.

The cycle I just finished was 600mgs of cyp for 8 weeks; 600mgs of eq for 9 weeks and 40mgs of d-bol for 5 weeks(all ttokkyo products). During that cycle I had a minor case of cellulitus in my delt from the cyp. This cycle helped me catch up with the weight and strength I lost from my vacation and drinking fun. This cycle bumped me to a solid 175 and even stronger then before :).

As to what I've done different. Glutamine has been my missing link. I feel that it has helped me keep my gains and make gains. I'm taking that stuff 4 times a day: in the morning, before the gym, after the gym and before bed. Plus my eating habits have improved, which makes a world of a difference.
Yeah posting pictures would be a bonus, not saying everyone is lying but pictures would be a nice touch, I am getting ready for my first NPC qualifier, I would like to think I am a shoe in but if i can't get my bodyfat below 6% I don't know, I am 5'11" 271 lbs. 21" arms cold, 53" chest cold bad atrophy in right quad trying to overcome it, left thigh 30" bodyfat at 10-11% now trying to lose a percent and a half over the next 4 1/2 months, wish me luck, Oh and I don't use steroids I hear they shrink your wee wee, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA............. Oh damn I am funny, seriously though I am on the if it's in front of me I shoot it plan, mostly test and eq right now just got off the hard stuff......wish me luck fellas.
pitbullstl said:
Yeah posting pictures would be a bonus, not saying everyone is lying but pictures would be a nice touch, I am getting ready for my first NPC qualifier, I would like to think I am a shoe in but if i can't get my bodyfat below 6% I don't know, I am 5'11" 271 lbs. 21" arms cold, 53" chest cold bad atrophy in right quad trying to overcome it, left thigh 30" bodyfat at 10-11% now trying to lose a percent and a half over the next 4 1/2 months, wish me luck, Oh and I don't use steroids I hear they shrink your wee wee, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA............. Oh damn I am funny, seriously though I am on the if it's in front of me I shoot it plan, mostly test and eq right now just got off the hard stuff......wish me luck fellas.
You're a BIG mother fucker too--good luck at your show--which one R U doing?
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