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HARDCORE CYCLE! (wimpy bro's need not post here)

decem- yeah I can see where you might think that. But no way would I sell what I worked hard for. Plus selling is risky ass business, I might be crazy, but not that crazy.

the stuff will last for a few years, right?

what do you think about a light cycle, and save the rest for the future. ????? I really want to try this stuff, and see what it's all about.

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i fail to see how you were convinced not to do them so easily. most young guys who get one this board have thought about it too hard and long and planned to far ahead (on getting big and how "cool" they'll look) so they end up pouting like little girls saying "well, i bought them and i have them and i want to.. so there.
:bawling: "

if you are serious, then i commend you and you will thank yourself later in life. who was more convincing, tx, dahmer, or I?

i can't give you an estimate on how long they'll last.. it depends on how old they are already. check the expiration dates. but like i said, you shouldn't even keep them. when you're 20-21, you'll be able to find some. get rid of what you got now, it will be far too tempting.

and by the way, if you are a scammer, get the fuck off this board.
decem said:
if you are serious, then i commend you and you will thank yourself later in life. who was more convincing, tx, dahmer, or I?

I can answer that one, lol. It was MEEEEEEEEEEEE! :)
TxLonghorn said:

I can answer that one, lol. It was MEEEEEEEEEEEE! :)

no way.. you took that easy-going, "it's your choice", "i'll support you either way", "push over" uncle type of stance on the matter..

whereas i took that "son, i'll kick your fucking ass," "you'll fuck yourself for life", "i'll never talk to you again", "you shoot that shit into your body, and i'll shoot you in the head" stern father type of stance on it.

mine was much more convincing.
decem said:

i don't know if you're serious, just keep in mind that this could very likely be a scammer posing as an innocent kid.

Good looking out decem. i was just kidding though. but thank you for looking out for my potential incompetence. :D
decem said:

mine was much more convincing.

And yet I was much more convincing. :)

Where is the 'stick-out-your-tongue' icon? Hmmmm, lemme try this one... :nanny-nanny-boo-boo: and just in case that doesn't work... :raspberry:

Lol, it's ok decem, even though you weren't that convincing, I still like you.
TxLonghorn said:



there's only one way to settle this....

COLOSSUS, who the more convincing discussion board disciplinarian...

was it:

a. txlonghorn - only steers and queers come from texas, and i've never seen a cow that could type
b. dahmer - just a reminder, dahmer killed 14 pubescent boys after having sex with them
c. me - i'm much less creepy in real life
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survey says..

50% decem
30% tx longhorn
10% dahmer


so, some you think it would be a waste of time if i did a smaller cycle, say: dbol +eq + sust ? small dosages of course.
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