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Give me a topic and I'll give you my uncensored opinion.

coverguy said:
women. what type is your type and who on ef would you pick for an all night round on the sack?

I like tall athletic women, I pretty much have the 5'8" minimum but have made exceptions. I also am really turned on by a girl who is intelligent and can use proper diction.

HMMMM who on elite?
Except for she is taken I'd say either Velvett or Smurfy. Both seem like really fun people and I am sure it wouldn't be boring.

After that probably Lady Viking, I love me some Scandinavian blood.

Devastation said:
should i add to my position in google (stock symbol: goog) now that it is near an all time high?

Why buy high? I don't play the market but I would look for something low with promise as opposed to adding to an already upgoer.

Scotsman said:
I like tall athletic women, I pretty much have the 5'8" minimum but have made exceptions. I also am really turned on by a girl who is intelligent and can use proper diction.

HMMMM who on elite?
Except for she is taken I'd say either Velvett or Smurfy. Both seem like really fun people and I am sure it wouldn't be boring.

After that probably Lady Viking, I love me some Scandinavian blood.

Deterass said:
Women in the Police or Fire dept

I have no problem with it as long as they can handle the work. I'm all for everyone doing whatever they are capable of, but it shouldn't include just the good jobs there needs to be equality in ditch digging too.

Smurfy said:

how do you feel about recreational/illegal drug use (not inclusing AAS)?

To each their own, if someone wants to use them that's their business. Personally I have never been interested in them and have never done any recreational drugs, but I don't judge people for their use of them unless it is effecting others.

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