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From 240 to 220...How should I lift while dropping weight???

I want to compete this winter.
I am from the Hartford, Ct. area.
I am 6'1", 245 but would like to compete under 220.
What I was planning on doing is working on dieting for a couple months intead of crashing it off so that I could keep my strength.
I was also considering some AS but we'll see.
My current stats are:
Bench Press / 365 without shirt, steroid free
Squat / 500
Deadlift / 500

How should I train in general while dieting? Do you guys up your reps, add exercises for more volume? How much cardio do you hit? How much protein p/day on a 1500-2000 diet?

any help is welcome...thanx bros!!!
At 6'1" you can and should keep the weight on. Dieting sucks for powerlifting. With your height you can fill out much better and be stronger. Go for the numbers for now since you are new to this. Later when you have some experience(1 year or more) then decide, but with your height under 220 is not good. You will lose so much leverage in your squat and bench that it would not be worth it. I am 5'9" and wiegh around 240, but I am considering movingup another weight class. I hate trying keep my weight below 242.
tigertat- I agree with 1-dawg. Dieting sucks. If I were you I would work on changing your body composition instead of losing weight. The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn in a resting state. Try to build your strength up and not worry about losing weight. Cutting down your intake and doing cardio is counter productive for strength gains. If you are feeling like you have a ton of fat to lose and it is really important to you, I would just cut down on you fat intake and keep training for strength.

And losing weight is not really a training issue. It is more of an intake issue. If it is really important that you lose some fat and still gain strength, I would stay away from cardio and high fat foods.
Thanks much, I would like to lift in the 242's so it isn't as much loosing weight as changing composition. I've only been lifting for 2 years hard and have gone slowly from 283 highest, to 242 lowest in that time. I am up to 250 now and would still like to loose some BF. I think 230 would be a good weight for myself, but my lifts are only 260-270 bench, 425-435 dead, 400 squat.
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