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*first time* needing help!!!

good bro question--I hate to answer a question by pushing a book--but check out some of these--you can download immed. I like Nelson Montana's and George Spellwins. Another idea is if you dont have it already--EVERY vet here has at least one edition of William Llewellyn Book----if not for that book (earliier edition I would have done myself some awful harm) see link below

So im looking over this e-books from this link and im just wondering if anyone has read...

Secrects of mail order steroid success AND
George spellwins chemical wizardry

Any in put about these two? and does anyone recommend these?
How about a simple cycle to start with:

Test prop 100 mgs eod (300mgs ew) - 10 weeks
Masteron 100mgs eod (300mgs ew) - 8 weeks
Have arimidex on hand

PCT: Clomid at 50 mgs ed for 2 weeks (one week after your last shot of test)
Sustain Alpha
How about a simple cycle to start with:

Test prop 100 mgs eod (300mgs ew) - 10 weeks
Masteron 100mgs eod (300mgs ew) - 8 weeks
Have arimidex on hand

PCT: Clomid at 50 mgs ed for 2 weeks (one week after your last shot of test)
Sustain Alpha

See this is where i get confused also, isnt arimidex and clomid both anitestrogens?

So why have arimidex on hand during taking test, when you take clomid for PCT?

And do i use sustain alpha while taking clomid?
Those comments tell me that although you have said you have been reading your not comprehending what your reading. I do like though that your willing to listen. This is great.

Arimidex is generally used by most for estrogen control on cycle. It is an AI. Clomid is typically run during PCT and has properties that also assist in restarting natural test production as well as keeping estrogen under control. It is a SERM. These compounds work by different mechanisms and hence are used in a slightly different manner although they can be interchanged when estrogen control is the primary use. Myyself though I prefer Nolva over Clomid for PCT and yes you run a SERM in conjunction with Testosterone Recovery Stack during PCT.

I like Alc's suggestion for a cycle with what your wanting to achieve but it does mean quite a few sticks. Perhaps longer esters might be an easier route first time out but if your not worried about pinning that regularly then that cycle will great. If you do have diet in check and know where your at training wise you will make some excellent gains with that cycle and also be able to trim the BF.
So im looking over this e-books from this link and im just wondering if anyone has read...

Secrects of mail order steroid success AND
George spellwins chemical wizardry

Any in put about these two? and does anyone recommend these?
So im looking over this e-books from this link and im just wondering if anyone has read...

Secrects of mail order steroid success AND good, but only if you know nothing about how everything works--

George spellwins chemical wizardry worth it--very good info all the basics + how to build advanced stacks

Any in put about these two? and does anyone recommend these?

see above
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