New member
Hi, im little bit new in forums, my name is Ramiro, im from Buenos Aires, Argentina, im here in this sport for Zyzz, he inspired me alot, i know he is not the best model fitness example, but, he really inspired me, nice to meet you bros.
This is my transformation of 2 years:
from this:

to this:

i been read about cycles and steroids, i know is not a magic pill, i learn alot i think... i know every cycle need the testosterone base, orals monocycles dont really work and the first need to do is, BUY THE PCT FIRST. After knowin that, let me tell you, im 24, i know the risk i know im young i know everything that, but, i really decide to do one cycle, my first cycle with:
Sustanon 250 per week, and Stanozolol 40 mg per day.
Sustanon 10 Weeks and stanozolol 6 weeks.
Im really scared to posting this, because, i try on spanish forum and when i say im 24 and Zyzz and rich piana inspired me, they really say bad things to me and tellme 'get the fuck out, train 10 years natty and maybe think steroids' , i hope at least here dont want to bother you guys, and thankyou for your time, but, what can i expect with that testo sustanon 250 per week and the stanozolol?
God bless you all, i really gonna get serious with this, i hope i want be a fitnessmodel...
My first goal is look like this:

Please dont laugh, i know for you that body is skinny and shit, but, i really when i be like that, im gonna be SUPER happy with my body. Can i achive that with one or 2 Cycles?
God bless you people and i hope i dont bother you ♥
This is my transformation of 2 years:
from this:

to this:

i been read about cycles and steroids, i know is not a magic pill, i learn alot i think... i know every cycle need the testosterone base, orals monocycles dont really work and the first need to do is, BUY THE PCT FIRST. After knowin that, let me tell you, im 24, i know the risk i know im young i know everything that, but, i really decide to do one cycle, my first cycle with:
Sustanon 250 per week, and Stanozolol 40 mg per day.
Sustanon 10 Weeks and stanozolol 6 weeks.
Im really scared to posting this, because, i try on spanish forum and when i say im 24 and Zyzz and rich piana inspired me, they really say bad things to me and tellme 'get the fuck out, train 10 years natty and maybe think steroids' , i hope at least here dont want to bother you guys, and thankyou for your time, but, what can i expect with that testo sustanon 250 per week and the stanozolol?
God bless you all, i really gonna get serious with this, i hope i want be a fitnessmodel...
My first goal is look like this:

Please dont laugh, i know for you that body is skinny and shit, but, i really when i be like that, im gonna be SUPER happy with my body. Can i achive that with one or 2 Cycles?
God bless you people and i hope i dont bother you ♥