Hey guys,
I'm about to start my first cycle ever and was going to run test at 500mg with a dbol kick start.However; I was curious to know if anybody has any experience running the classic primobolan/dbol stack that Arnold used and how would I go about using it . Is this a cycle one could gain 15 pounds and keep permanently after the cycle is complete?
Would this cycle produce less side effects?
How long and how much would the dianabol be used for and the primobolan?
pct needed? hcg needed?nolvadex or proviron needed throughout cycle?
The reason I am asking this is since my original plan was to run test enth/dbol, but I know a lot of the weight gain will be from water and when I come off I may only have about 10-15 pounds that will stick with me that may be muscle. So I was thinking, would running dianabol/primobolon produce less weight gain throughout the cycle but give constant growing muscle mass with the same results in the end after pct but with less side effects such as acne, hair loss, sweeting, quicker recovery time, and more quality muscle?
If anybody can give me any input on this stack, it would be greatly appreciated!
Also, below is the original plan I was going with and background info on me:
Some background info on myself:
23 year old male. I have been lifting for 4 years (with the most time off would be a week a year) and train 3 times a week with a trainer. I started at a weight of about 105 and am at 161-165 at a height of 5'5. My body fat is about 16.5 though I haven't measured in a while. This will be my first cycle and am looking to put on about 20 pounds that I can keep after the cycle is over with if possible.
The cycle:
weeks 1-4 25 mg of Dianabol everyday
weeks1-10 500 mg of test. Enanthate, 250mg shot on mon and another 250mg shot on thursday each week doing this (during the end of my 9th week I begin HCG everyother day after my last 250mg shot of test enth.on the 9th week for 500ius every other day and bump up nolvadex to 20 mg everyday and get rid of the proviron)
weeks11 HCG every other day at 500ius and nolvadex at 20mg everday
week 12 wait 3 days from my last HCG injection then begin PCT of nolvadex at 20mg every day
week 13 20mg nolvadex everyday
week14 20mg of nolvadex everyday
week 15 20 mg of nolvadex everyday
week 16 10 mg of nolvadex everyday
week 17 5 mg of nolvadex everyday
Anti-Estrogens,HCG, and Post Cycle Therapy
Proviron 25 mg and Nolvadex at 10 mg throughout cycle but alternating each day between the two( example: tuesday proviron 25mg, wed nolvadex 10 mg, thursday proviron 25mg, etc.) I stop proviron on the begining of my 10th week and bump of the nolvadex for 20mg for weeks 11-15.For Pct I will be running nolvadex everyday for 6 weeks starting the 12th week. HCG i begin right after my second shot of test enth. on the 9th week, I begin HCG at 500 ius every other day which will take me into weeks 10 and 11 still on HCG. then after my last dose of HCG i wait three days and then begin my 6 week nolvadex pct
Should side effects be under control with this cycle with the precautions I am making with the nolvadex and proviron? Also, are any supplements needed when using Dianabol for this dosage because of the toxicity?
I have a question about MPB...my dad is somewhat bald in the back on his head ,but on my mom's side, all the males except my uncle(i think caused hes stressed) died with a full head of hair in their 80's. So I'm not sure if I am going to go bald ,I think i've have some recession on the sides after looking at some pics when I was 18(I'm 23 now), so im not sure if im going to go bald or not. Is proscar something that really works well and if so how much should I take a day and for how long during my cycle?
Also, is it an obtainable goal for me to get over 200 pounds with three bulking cycles?
I'm about to start my first cycle ever and was going to run test at 500mg with a dbol kick start.However; I was curious to know if anybody has any experience running the classic primobolan/dbol stack that Arnold used and how would I go about using it . Is this a cycle one could gain 15 pounds and keep permanently after the cycle is complete?
Would this cycle produce less side effects?
How long and how much would the dianabol be used for and the primobolan?
pct needed? hcg needed?nolvadex or proviron needed throughout cycle?
The reason I am asking this is since my original plan was to run test enth/dbol, but I know a lot of the weight gain will be from water and when I come off I may only have about 10-15 pounds that will stick with me that may be muscle. So I was thinking, would running dianabol/primobolon produce less weight gain throughout the cycle but give constant growing muscle mass with the same results in the end after pct but with less side effects such as acne, hair loss, sweeting, quicker recovery time, and more quality muscle?
If anybody can give me any input on this stack, it would be greatly appreciated!
Also, below is the original plan I was going with and background info on me:
Some background info on myself:
23 year old male. I have been lifting for 4 years (with the most time off would be a week a year) and train 3 times a week with a trainer. I started at a weight of about 105 and am at 161-165 at a height of 5'5. My body fat is about 16.5 though I haven't measured in a while. This will be my first cycle and am looking to put on about 20 pounds that I can keep after the cycle is over with if possible.
The cycle:
weeks 1-4 25 mg of Dianabol everyday
weeks1-10 500 mg of test. Enanthate, 250mg shot on mon and another 250mg shot on thursday each week doing this (during the end of my 9th week I begin HCG everyother day after my last 250mg shot of test enth.on the 9th week for 500ius every other day and bump up nolvadex to 20 mg everyday and get rid of the proviron)
weeks11 HCG every other day at 500ius and nolvadex at 20mg everday
week 12 wait 3 days from my last HCG injection then begin PCT of nolvadex at 20mg every day
week 13 20mg nolvadex everyday
week14 20mg of nolvadex everyday
week 15 20 mg of nolvadex everyday
week 16 10 mg of nolvadex everyday
week 17 5 mg of nolvadex everyday
Anti-Estrogens,HCG, and Post Cycle Therapy
Proviron 25 mg and Nolvadex at 10 mg throughout cycle but alternating each day between the two( example: tuesday proviron 25mg, wed nolvadex 10 mg, thursday proviron 25mg, etc.) I stop proviron on the begining of my 10th week and bump of the nolvadex for 20mg for weeks 11-15.For Pct I will be running nolvadex everyday for 6 weeks starting the 12th week. HCG i begin right after my second shot of test enth. on the 9th week, I begin HCG at 500 ius every other day which will take me into weeks 10 and 11 still on HCG. then after my last dose of HCG i wait three days and then begin my 6 week nolvadex pct
Should side effects be under control with this cycle with the precautions I am making with the nolvadex and proviron? Also, are any supplements needed when using Dianabol for this dosage because of the toxicity?
I have a question about MPB...my dad is somewhat bald in the back on his head ,but on my mom's side, all the males except my uncle(i think caused hes stressed) died with a full head of hair in their 80's. So I'm not sure if I am going to go bald ,I think i've have some recession on the sides after looking at some pics when I was 18(I'm 23 now), so im not sure if im going to go bald or not. Is proscar something that really works well and if so how much should I take a day and for how long during my cycle?
Also, is it an obtainable goal for me to get over 200 pounds with three bulking cycles?