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do you take steroids? aren't you concerned that you're taking years off your life?

decem said:
sponge.. thanks for the reply.. i can see the logic you're using.. and i can prove or disprove it.. but what i will say is that health issues and early deaths are far from uncommon in those that use steroids.. in fact i'd be willing to say they're more common than in non-users. have recent studies showing that humans that eat less live longer due probably to a decreased metabolism and less insulin production sparked your interest whatsoever? have you not come across the logic that perhaps one's inner workings were indeed made at birth to only consume or process so many calories, or filter only so many substances, or secrete so much insulin? what about the marked effect on lipid profiles when on steroids?

Isn´t there a difference between quantity of life and quality of life?
I've always wondered what makes people want to use gear.

I personally work out for the health benefits, which include gettiing bigger and stronger. I have never used gear and do not drink, use drugs or smoke. Rather than eat a super high protein diet with no fruits or vegetables, I eat a well balanced diet which is high in protein. I am at least twice as strong as the average joe schmoe.

I am just under 5'8 and wiegh about 165lbs at 7% bf.

In the winter I gain about 20 more lbs and power lift.

I have small joints which make me look much bigger than my body weight suggests. People think I juice anyway, so why bother with gear? Women hit on me virtually every day, no joke.

I've been working out on and off for 20 years and never touched gear, so I don't think I'd be tempted to start. I've been working out seriously for about the past 3-4 years and have put on about 25 lbs of muscle.

I'm sure I could get much bigger with gear, but what is the point?
decem said:
seriously.. think about the extra undue stress that carrying extra mass puts on all your systems.. let alone having to process all the substances you ingest.. these two combined are certain to take years and years off your life..

so why do you continue to do it?

why do you willingly decrease your life span?

do you not wish to watch your children grow to be parents and maybe grandparents?

some deep hatred toward life and yourself making you want to leave this earth as quickly as possible?

What makes you think that steroids take years off everyone's life?
Do you have any studies to back this up

In your logic, if steroids shorten your life due to the extra undue stress of carrying extra mass on the system then fat people that eat tons of food will have shorten lives also?

What fucking point are you trying to make here?

What makes you think that steroid users have a deep hatred toward life and wanting to leave this earth quickly?

This is the stupidest fucking post I've ever read!!!!!!!
Lean muscle doesn't stress the body nearly as bad as carrying a lot of fat. Anyway, we all die in the end. Pick your poison.
I'm 160 lbs and about 8% body fat, and I've never done steroids, so I don't have tons of extra fat. But I don't have the mass that you guys are after.
I don't think anyone takes steroids for health reasons, you take it to improve your strength or the looks of your body. I'm not putting anyone down, do whatever you want, but don't say steroids improve people's health, because even if they aren't harmful, it doesn't make them healthy. Most people that take steroids, know the possible side effects, but the reward is bigger than the risk in their minds.
people always ask me if i juice, and it's great because i can say no. i wouldn't juice unless i wanted to compete, and i don't have any plans to compete, even in some all natural competition.
decem said:
sponge.. thanks for the reply.. i can see the logic you're using.. and i can prove or disprove it.. but what i will say is that health issues and early deaths are far from uncommon in those that use steroids.. in fact i'd be willing to say they're more common than in non-users. have recent studies showing that humans that eat less live longer due probably to a decreased metabolism and less insulin production sparked your interest whatsoever? have you not come across the logic that perhaps one's inner workings were indeed made at birth to only consume or process so many calories, or filter only so many substances, or secrete so much insulin? what about the marked effect on lipid profiles when on steroids?

the health issues and deaths may be attributed to other behaviors these bodybuilders have that you are referencing to. for example, my friend was using for a year or so when he had a heart attack. the thing is he had stayed up all weekend, about 48 hrs, doing coke.

aside from that, i feel i do get a health benefit from using. im hypo and my insulin secretion process is out of whack. ive noticed when im on i feel better, no highs and lows all the time from eating. it feels like it helps regulate my insulin production and eliminates the hypo symptoms(hypo symptoms can be very severe and at least very very annoying). so that was my arguement, since my insulin excretion process was messed up from an early age it hampered proper development.
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