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Do steroids burn fat???

RADAR said:
Run Tren Ace at 100mgs 3 time a week ,decide for yourself after 6-8 weeks!


I'm no stranger to tren bro. I've ran more then that for 6 weeks. I do notice a cutting effect but I personally attribute that to water loss from the crazy ass sweating that I do.

I did say to my boy that tren has been speculated to act as a legitimate thermogenic in some people.
Apexx said:
I'm no stranger to tren bro. I've ran more then that for 6 weeks. I do notice a cutting effect but I personally attribute that to water loss from the crazy ass sweating that I do.

I did say to my boy that tren has been speculated to act as a legitimate thermogenic in some people.

Yeah, I gotta chime in on this too..... Tren does seem to help burn fat from just using it so many times.... I have no science to back it up, but that's what I've seen from personal use..... It's also well known in the Cattle Ranching world that Finaplix will lean the cattle out before slaughter..... Supposedly, that is why the Estrogen component was added later down the line, to keep some fat, and water retention..... More weight, equals more money when it comes to cows..... Does Tren have a Thermogenic effect? I think most of us would agree it does from personal use, but we have nothing to back it up..... Maybe there will be a study done on it some day....

so night sweats are causing you to lose water weight. fine you haven't proved tren is a fat burner. you are probably training hard and taking in lots of water. your bp is raised on all aas so you sweat a lot and everyone knows especially on tren. when apexx and i say fat burner we mean a compound you take that specifically burns fat. it doesn't help build lean mass it burns fat. two separate entities. its like saying that xanax is a sleeping pill. yes xanax will help you sleep or make you drowsy, but its an anti anxiety pil. you can't just label things like that or people use them for the wrong thing. i'll tell you what post pics, run tren for 6 weeks with just 30 mins of cardio no weight lifting then post pics. do the same thing with a fat burner stack taking pics before and after i'll gaurantee the fat burner makes a much more drastic change.
mhcbenz said:
ok i'm confused??? i've been on tren(fina) 100mdED, and 500mg test cyp for almost 4 weeks,..still trainin hard,..i'm wakin up in a pool of sweat EVERY morning,eating alot more calories(and not always quality cal.), but i've dropped 2 waist sizes, and my mid section is shedding fat?? and believe me, I do not diet! Is it possible that the tren is raising my core temp at night(like having a fever) and burning calories to repair my body like a sickness,.. which could explain the fat loss?? helllllllp meeeeee??? :confused: :confused:
BigWHEEL said:
tell ur boy to do some research b4 he runs his mouth....i bet he feels stupid now

Are u talking about Apexx's uneducated friend,.. or are you referring to my question?
Almost every study ever conducted on AAS has shown a reduction in fat.
anthony roberts said:
Almost every study ever conducted on AAS has shown a reduction in fat.

It took you long enough hooker :p .Put up some more studies to support this if you have them.I posted three good ones so far.Thanks!!
bruce410 said:
so night sweats are causing you to lose water weight. fine you haven't proved tren is a fat burner. you are probably training hard and taking in lots of water. your bp is raised on all aas so you sweat a lot and everyone knows especially on tren. when apexx and i say fat burner we mean a compound you take that specifically burns fat. it doesn't help build lean mass it burns fat. two separate entities. its like saying that xanax is a sleeping pill. yes xanax will help you sleep or make you drowsy, but its an anti anxiety pil. you can't just label things like that or people use them for the wrong thing. i'll tell you what post pics, run tren for 6 weeks with just 30 mins of cardio no weight lifting then post pics. do the same thing with a fat burner stack taking pics before and after i'll gaurantee the fat burner makes a much more drastic change.

i think ur missing my point, i'm sayin ALONG w/ my training,, and recovery..TREN, and my TEST are AIDING in gaining lean muscle, and contributing 2 my fat loss. (along w/ water!) u can't just take the gear alone w/ no training and get ripped. Most people know that!!....However,..u have 2 take ur gear,..train ur ass off,.. eat,.. and allow ur body adequate rest 4 recovery,...THEN,.. the "magic" happens...
( lean musclegain, water loss, fat loss)

p.s.-from ur avatar it looks as if fat loss has never been a prob( lol!) i wish i had ur genetics at the mid-section...must be nice bro! :)
Steroids by themselves don't make you gain muscle mass it's what you do while taking steroids that make you gain muscle so if you raise the amount of cardio I'm sure your amount of fat burning would raise too while on steroids.
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