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Dermacrine - The New Legal PCT Product - KICKS ASS!

ZGzaZ said:
A strong possibility.

ill be going on a Test e/EQ cycle in a couple of weeks because my levels are in good shape again.

this time, ill be running blood work, (to save PP some $$ since he is so possitve derma works to be giving out 170$ kits, im covered by my insurance)

ill be getting pre and after tests (since i wont go give blood while full blown on)

and Derma will be the ONLY PCT ill be using again.
mm107 said:
ill be going on a Test e/EQ cycle in a couple of weeks because my levels are in good shape again.

this time, ill be running blood work, (to save PP some $$ since he is so possitve derma works to be giving out 170$ kits, im covered by my insurance)

ill be getting pre and after tests (since i wont go give blood while full blown on)

and Derma will be the ONLY PCT ill be using again.
nice so you will be getting a test don at your docs.thats cool. :)
Jrod03 said:
How can dermacrine be use as a PCT and at what dose?

Its ran at 4-5 pumps ED... and the bottle will last 26-30 days.

We also have a new Dermacrine commin out that will be even more targeted to PCT users.. should be instock early next week. ;-)

Primordial Performance said:
Its ran at 4-5 pumps ED... and the bottle will last 26-30 days.

We also have a new Dermacrine commin out that will be even more targeted to PCT users.. should be instock early next week. ;-)


I would certainly like to hear more about that product.
Primordial Performance said:
Its ran at 4-5 pumps ED... and the bottle will last 26-30 days.

We also have a new Dermacrine commin out that will be even more targeted to PCT users.. should be instock early next week. ;-)


Thinking about this even more, I may even be a candidate to try it for PCT. My cycle should end at the end of April. I will be on short acting esters (Test Prop/Tren Ace) for the last 6 weeks of the cycle. I am taking HCG once a week @ 500ius to keep the little guys for getting any smaller and should be able to go right into PCT a couple of days after my last shot.

Let talk about the ideal way to take this new product, when to get tested, what, if anything, to take additionally with it. I am game to give it a shot - let me know.
tshoot said:
Thinking about this even more, I may even be a candidate to try it for PCT. My cycle should end at the end of April. I will be on short acting esters (Test Prop/Tren Ace) for the last 6 weeks of the cycle. I am taking HCG once a week @ 500ius to keep the little guys for getting any smaller and should be able to go right into PCT a couple of days after my last shot.

Let talk about the ideal way to take this new product, when to get tested, what, if anything, to take additionally with it. I am game to give it a shot - let me know.
sounds like a good guy pp. :)
This is what I have heard him say as well. Run HCG during the last part of the cycle, stop hcg 2 weeks before the cycle is over, then use dermacrine for 4 weeks, and for best natural test production increase apply the stuff to the stomach and legs.

If you want to use it as more of a test boosting product (a legal low dose steriod basically) then apply to the shoulders. Of course applying to the shoulders for PCT would be almost like the AM Dbol method, and could be 2 steps forward 1 step back. However even with application to the shoulders those using it as a stand alone supp, not PCT, have reported higher test levels a week or 2 after ending dermacrine use than before they started.

What I gathered form your post is it raises endogenous testosterone levels if applied to stomach/legs and is suppressive to your HPTA if you apply to shoulders?

That doesn't make any sense, that's saying two completely different things. Either it's suppressive or it's not suppressive, if it's action is systemic like PP claims then it wouldn't have properties based on where you apply it.

PP or N2 can you clear this up?
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