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Deca Gyno



Alright, I have never gotten gyno before and i don't know what to do. I don't feel anything hard behind my nipples, but they feel a little fatty at the bottom of my chest. My nips felt sensitive for a while but don't anymore. Is bromo the only way to get rid of it? Can it go away on it's own?
Could be water retention. Don't sweat it. Your stuff is going to be a little weird during your cycle, but it goes away when you come off. Just watch out for real solid material.
Are you taking anything with the Deca? and how much deca a week are you on?

I'm about to start deca at 300mg a week with some testoviron and winny.

I can feel something hard behind my right nipple when I press real hard but it's real small. I havn't been on AS in about 4 months. Last cycle was fina and Sust. I never really noticed it before but I noticed my nipples are a little more sensitive than they used to be..I'm not even on anything right now. If it weren't for the pain when I push on it it wouldn't even be noticeable.
thanks alot, I really appreciate the help. I'm runnin 400mgs of deca alone. I'm gonna end it with hcg and nolva.
I discontinued my deca cycle, due to gyno after the third week. Nipples became very sensitive. At first they were just swollen, then a tissue buildup began.
hey Jakson, Gyno can pop up months later. If I were you i'd take 20mgs of nolva a day right now.
I think your right. I'm going to have to find someone with Nolva. I never used an anti-e before. I always thought my doses weren't high enough to cause gyno. Should the Nolva actually get rid of it or just stop from growing?

Like I said it's not something you can see on my chest it's just a little sensitive and something hard behind my right nipple...very small.
It gets rid of it. But if you wait to long you'll be fuckt.
I'm gettin some for sure no question there. If not just cause of this little irritation but I am going to through it in with my next cycle.

BTW what kind of results did you get from the deca and how long did you run it?

I did a deca/test prop cycle last summer and gained about ten pounds that never came off. that was only using 100mgdeca every 5 days and 2 shots of prop a week for 5 weeks.
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