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D-bol can reeally make you that tired?


New member
Or this tired I should say. Every cycle it seems like crap shoot as to which sides I may or may not get off of compounds I've used before, or haven't used before, as is the case with NPP. I never got tired off D-bol before, but this time, holy shit. I'm ready for a nap like 24/7.
dude.. dbol made me tired the entire time i was on it, on top of supressing my apetite and doing other things as well. hopefully this stuff will clear up for you, personally i'm almost positive i'll never touch the stuff again.
Dbol makes most people tired i think from elevated blood pressure which will make any physical task seem tough or tiring. I myslef just incorporte some sort of caffeine supplement before workout and after that i'm ok with being lethargic.. And i feel it did nothing but make me more hungry. I'm 100% positive that i run it again in the future... Have fun
i am on 25mg dbol ed for 4 weeks, along with 500mg test e wk. im in my third week. i have always had trouble going to sleep, but from the day i started dbol when i go to bed, im out. during the day i am fine, but once i get home, take my bath, and start to relax, i get so tired that i can barely hold my eyes open. im not complaining though, i love getting some solid sleep time.
bb079 said:
i am on 25mg dbol ed for 4 weeks, along with 500mg test e wk. im in my third week. i have always had trouble going to sleep, but from the day i started dbol when i go to bed, im out. during the day i am fine, but once i get home, take my bath, and start to relax, i get so tired that i can barely hold my eyes open. im not complaining though, i love getting some solid sleep time.

I slept like a baby on it also. I also had this sense of well being on it (and a bit spacey). It was kind of cool. Reminded me of ecstacy a little (not that I do that anymore...). I love DBol. :heart:
ya I did a dbol cycle.75mg a day for 8 a lot of mass but even with the best pct it shut me down for a wile.luckly I kept most of the gains.
I was doing 50mg ED for 4 weeks, and it was hard to sleep at night when i really wanted to, but i was ALWAYS tired, and was taking naps whenever I could squeeze them in. I don't really know how good it was, didn't see HUGE gains, but it was ok, prolly will throw something else in there next time instead of i can help it. With my new hours from 6am-2:30 there's no way I could do d-bol.
remember the girl from DEUSE BIGGOLO that had narcalepsy, well that is me when i run 100mg/day. i damn near killed myself one time at the wheel. by falling asleep.
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