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comments and suggestions on bulk cycle


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I have used gear for several years and I am quite happy with gains I have made experimenting with different gear to see what does what and I have come to a conclusion on what works best for me to hopefully take me to the next level. I am 225 lbs 5ft 11 with 12 % bodyfat , I am expecting solid mass gains with minimal water (hopefully I will be able to control with cardio and .50 mg of arimidex every day) I also have plenty of T-prop,Omnadren, and Humulin R on hand. Should I use any slin with cycle? Also have Novaldex (just in case).

Sus 750 mgs week,weeks 1-12
Anadrol 50, 50mgs/day weeks 1-6
D-bol 50mgs/day weeks 7-12
Fina 75mgs eod weeks 6-12
Deca 400 mgs week,Weeks 1-12
HCG 1 bottle 2500 iu a week 1-12
Proviron 50mgs a day, weeks 1-12
Arimidex .50(half a tab) mgs e/d weeks 1-12
Clomid therapy post cycle

Any suggestions/ comments/advice would be much appreciated.
why are you starting with anadrol then switching to dbol?

i would start the cycle with the dbol and leave the anadrol out.. that just me..

i would not use hcg until the end of the cycle.. maybe a shot or two in the middle but not all the way through the cycle.. search on this and you will see most people will not run it all the way through..

i would run the prop 3 weeks past your last deca/sust shot then start clomid

insulin is awesome for max results i would run it weeks 5-9 and then again for 4 weeks while you run clomid if you think you will lose gains... this is a personal choice based on what you think you will lose and what you think the risks of slin are..

thats about it.. good luck
Your Cycle looks pretty good.

The only comment that I would make is you would probably be better off if you did a cycle that lasted 24 weeks. 12 weeks getting massive and 12 weeks cutting up or just 24 weeks getting massive
I would run the fina and proviron out to week 15 and then start clomid. You can also use test prop durin that time as well...

I would run the anadrol at 100mg a day for the first 4 weeks. Follow that with 50mg dbol/ day for 4 weeks. Make sure to use ala or tyler's liver detox....

Use the hcg around week 7 or so. take 1 shot of 2500IU's everyother day for about 4 shots. You can also use it with your clomid therapy at the end...
just my opinion but, I think you could have a damn good cycle with much less gear...

Weeks 1-12 sust 500mg
Weeks 1-4 drol 50 or 100mg ed
Weeks 6-12 fina .75mg ed
Weeks 1-12 Proviron 50mg ed
Weeks 1-12 Arimidex .5mg ed
Week 6 HCG 500iu m/w/f
Week 12 HCG 500iu m/w/f

Follow up with clomid and you have yourself a good cycle.
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