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Boys - have u ever gotten your foreskin caught in your zipper?

yuck.. shit.. u guys remember the scene from "there's something about mary"? man.. benstiller was so pwned!!
Foreksin protects the glans... let's try that again "PROTECTS"... never caught... hangs too low... if u caught ur glans in ur zipper then ur in hella trouble - 5 arteries supply blood to the penis.
Mr. dB said:

Different cultures/religions do it for different reasons... It dates way back, but honestly on a medical standpoint there was no real reason to do it. I actually learned that when you cut the foreskin it lessens the sensation of sex also.

On a different note, I know of two adults that had to have it done later and life :worried:

I ended up opting to do it when he was a newborn.
Erzulie said:
Different cultures/religions do it for different reasons... It dates way back, but honestly on a medical standpoint there was no real reason to do it. I actually learned that when you cut the foreskin it lessens the sensation of sex also.

On a different note, I know of two adults that had to have it done later and life :worried:

I ended up opting to do it when he was a newborn.

u weren't going to do it because it lessens the sensation
Erzulie said:
Different cultures/religions do it for different reasons... It dates way back, but honestly on a medical standpoint there was no real reason to do it. I actually learned that when you cut the foreskin it lessens the sensation of sex also.

On a different note, I know of two adults that had to have it done later and life :worried:

I ended up opting to do it when he was a newborn.

I know some people who had to have all their teeth pulled out as adults. That wasn't pleasant either.

You had your boy cut up to preven the less than 1% chance that he might have a problem with it later in life? That's just absurd.

As for "having" to have it done later in life, the problem is that in America, doctors don't know anything about foreskins. Any minor problem someone might have with theirs, and the docs' only recourse is "cut it off" because they're too ignorant to know that there are other options.

I was about to say "luckily mine has always worked perfectly" but it's not luck, it's NORMAL. Outside the USA Jews and Muslims, most men in the world are uncut and manage to go their whole lives without any issues down there. Circumcision as a sort of prophylaxis against possible future problems is a monumentally silly notion.
yep, it's unnecessary. only a matter of what you're used to. but since removing it is, like, genital mutilation and stuff, maybe it shouldn't be done.
tommy2tone said:
u weren't going to do it because it lessens the sensation


no, I wasn't gonna do it because I knew not a damn reason why i should. In the end I opted to have it done. The whole increase in sensation thing is something that was in a few of the articles i pulled up about it.
Pregnant women shouldn't be allowed to make these kinds of decisions when their brains are all addled with estrogen.
Mr. dB said:
Pregnant women shouldn't be allowed to make these kinds of decisions when their brains are all addled with estrogen.


I'd do it all over prego or not. I've nothing against the non at all though. It all boils down to what you know and what you don't know. Your religion, beliefs, things that are just 'normal' in your family.

In my family its just normal to do it, its trickled down for years, 'why' I don't know.. same as when I was prego everone failed to tell me my breast would swell up like melons.. they just thought it normal and i should know?

Not to say one is right or one is wrong.
Mr. dB said:
It's a nice place to stow newspapers and roadmaps too.

I read a news article once about a fellow who was in an accident and wound up in the emergency room. They found a $10 bill in his foreskin. When he was released and they returned his belongings to him, he said "BITCH! I had a $20 in there!"

After reading that, I tried folding a $20 bill in my foreskin, but it was too uncomfortable to go for even a few minutes. And when I pulled it out, the bill didn't smell very good.
this my friends is why uncut people are fucking dirty
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