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Anadrol Users


New member
im just researching anadrol thinking about to add it into my next cycle...test and an oral

how did you use it? how many mg's?
side effects...i have read there really bad and read some users that said there really bad...but are they really?...what to make them safer?
your results?
how fast will you notices it...
how much does your strength go up (your results) bench,deadlift etc

thanks guys
GetBig10 said:
im just researching anadrol thinking about to add it into my next cycle...test and an oral

how did you use it? how many mg's?
side effects...i have read there really bad and read some users that said there really bad...but are they really?...what to make them safer?
your results?
how fast will you notices it...
how much does your strength go up (your results) bench,deadlift etc

thanks guys

I used 100 mg ED for 4 weeks. Sides were loss of appetite, increased anxiety, and overall feeling like garbage. I did blow up, added about 16 lbs. Incline bench went from 315x8 to 365x8. I wasnt doing deadlifts at the time. You notice the gains very fast. Within 4-5 days. As a first timer i'd go 50 mg ED and see how that goes for a week, then increase if you need to. I didnt use an AI but next time I will. You get VERY bloated with it.
52_21_30 said:
I used 100 mg ED for 4 weeks. Sides were loss of appetite, increased anxiety, and overall feeling like garbage. I did blow up, added about 16 lbs. Incline bench went from 315x8 to 365x8. I wasnt doing deadlifts at the time. You notice the gains very fast. Within 4-5 days. As a first timer i'd go 50 mg ED and see how that goes for a week, then increase if you need to. I didnt use an AI but next time I will. You get VERY bloated with it.
bro...did you just do an oral cycle only:|... i think 100mg is 2 mcuh..yeah i will probably go with 50mg ed..thanks bro the input though this board...
52_21_30 said:
I used 100 mg ED for 4 weeks. Sides were loss of appetite, increased anxiety, and overall feeling like garbage.

My experiences exactly except I used 200mgs/daily @ 4 weeks. This was about ten years ago with Hemogenins. I've never gone back to them. The plus is very rapid size and strength. The minus after using them was rapid loss of size and strength. When I was done with them I must have spent an hour long pissing all the water I retained! :worried:

BTW, I don't recommend that high a dose at all. I was experimenting at that time and am lucky to have my liver still...
IP anadrol

50mg ed

felt great, weight went up QUICK!!

i will always kick start my cycles with drol from now on...

have proper ancillairies on hand tho, nolva, aromasin, bromo just to be safe!
GetBig10 said:
bro...did you just do an oral cycle only:|... i think 100mg is 2 mcuh..yeah i will probably go with 50mg ed..thanks bro the input though this board...
No, 1 g sust and ended with fina
GetBig10 said:
is it possbile 2 get gyno with..anadrol? because some sites it says yes and some it says no

maybe bro, and maybe not

just have to see for your self!

im VERY gyno prone and ran it w/out any problems.

when i skipped my anti- AI/E cocktail for the day tho nips started itching

but if your careful you will be fine!
GetBig10 said:
im just researching anadrol thinking about to add it into my next cycle...test and an oral

how did you use it? how many mg's?
side effects...i have read there really bad and read some users that said there really bad...but are they really?...what to make them safer?
your results?
how fast will you notices it...
how much does your strength go up (your results) bench,deadlift etc

thanks guys

I run Androl for 4 weeks only.
wk1: 50mg day
wk2: 100mg day
wk3: 150mg day
wk4: 50mg day
Love anadrol for the rapid gains in strength and size. Feel it gets an unfair bad rap here. I agree with alin and 52. I would not run this for long...6 weeks max at 100mg/day. I will be kickstarting my next cycle with 100mg week 1-2 then 50mg 3-4. With 16 weeks of 600mg EQ. and 500mg test. Will end cycle with winny. You probably won't feel too social on it so be prepared for that. Have some nolva standing bye...ENJOY! Stuff kills dbol IMO
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