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6'4 225 lbs and still slim/skinny


New member
My title says it all. How is it possible that I weight 225 lbs and still look skinny.

If I told someone I weighed 225 lbs they would laugh and say yeah right.

So here is the scoop. I was one of those really skinny dudes. I was 6'4 and weight about 150 lbs.

For two months straight I ate like a pig. Like 7 meals a day. It wasn't a clean diet by any means. It worked, I gained about 75 lbs in 3 months. I know. I know most of it was fat. But even so I still look slim. And no I wasn't working out. I'm about to start now.

Any thoughts.
Because ur 6'4 bro , 240-250 is prolly a good weight for u , and u haven't been workin out so once u start that u will fill out in the right places instead of just stomach lol
Key phrase there - you aren't working out - why the fuck are you eating like that without working out? You're probably the hated "skinny fat" right now.

I'm 6'3 220 and I look pretty big - Athletic, I'd say, in my humble opinion anyway. 240-250 is probably about right to look damn big.

My advice, start working out hardcore and eating right - you'll probably lose 30 pounds and then gradually gain back 10-15 or so at first. How old are you?

You're still in the prime age to build a shitload of muscle.

Do you visit the weight training forum?

Good workouts, good diet, and you'll be surprised at yourself...looking all swole and shit :)

No joke - it isn't that hard. Dedicate yourself to eating right and working out 1 hour per day. Swole in no time.
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