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  1. G

    would a GW and S4 cycle be good for recomp?

    Wondering about using gw501516 and s4/andarine together the s4 dose I want to do is 25mgs a day and then gw 20mgs I want to burn fat while gaining muscle I’m currently five foot eight 185 pounds and I have room to lose some weight
  2. V

    how should I run s4 to avoid vision issues?

    Reading online seems like s4 andarine causes vision issues I have some theories on how I can get around that issue though, let me know what you think 1. run it at a lower dose 10mgs a day 2. use sr9009 with it, competing receptors will block the issue 3. drink a lot of water when you take a dose...
  3. A

    is andarine/s4 vision issues worth it?

    What would you say about using s4/andarine and the benefits vs. the vision issues? I’m into CrossFit and high intensity training I’m five foot 11 … 248 pounds 22% body fat. Trying to get into better shape as I would say I’m on the bottom half of the people that I train with Its well documented...
  4. H

    s4/andarine 100mgs a day causes vision issues

    I just wanted to confirm to everybody that the rumors are true and that s4/andarine does in fact cause vision side effects. This is really no good and I’m gonna stop using it as I’m a truck driver and I can’t be having these types of Mischief going on. I’m four weeks into the cycle with sarms...
  5. JimAbs43

    Podcast Hardcore 75 - [2024] Andarine (S-4) SARMS Revisited Hardcore 75 - [2024] Andarine (S-4) SARMS Revisited
  6. E

    s4/andarine and yk11 stacks

    hello everybody I’m five foot 8, , 177 pounds and I’m 28 years old I’m looking to do a stack with yk11 and s4 andarine. The yk I want to use is 10mgs a day and I want to use s4 50mgs a day. Do you think I should increase the dose to 20 milligrams on the YK and 75 milligrams on the S4 halfway...
  7. X

    s4 andarine and yk11 help

    I’m interested in using S4 and YK together in the same cycle. I know these sarms are pretty strong and a lot of people say they’re really good for bulking and getting string but I think I could do a cutter with them and also put on lean muscle mass if I keep my calories restricted. I also plan...
  8. E

    I miss using s4 andarine

    haven’t used s4 andarine in a couple years. Really miss the stuff. People don’t realize how effective it is, I got really good strength gains on it even more than some steroids that I’ve used. I really want to use it again but I can’t. Maybe you can convince me of a different sarm that I can use...
  9. H

    dropping LGD mid cycle for something else

    I’m currently on lgd4033 and running 20mgs a day. I don’t like the effects that I’m getting because I’m getting a little aggression. Purchase them from one of the sponsors on here so I know it’s legit. I’m looking to switch it out for either S4 andarine or maybe rad140. I’m four weeks into the...
  10. M

    s4 andarine for cutting or strength?

    Interested in try s4 for the first time I’ve used lgd and rad before, but never s4 andarine can you give me some of the best benefits that you’ve noticed using it? I generally am looking to get more fat loss but also boost my strength at the same time. Not sure if that is the best option. my...
  11. B

    why does S4 and s23 have so many sides yet…

    S4 I’m doing 75mgs a day and doing the s23 25mgs a day. I’m 22 years old and experiencing horrible vision side effects like a yellow tint also getting shut down sides. so wondering why does s4 andarine and s23 come with so many sides yet the gains are also soooooooo damn good. What do you think?
  12. S

    s4 andarine stacked with cardarine GW and maybe lgd4033?

    Looking to do 2 or 3 sarms on my next run. It’s interested in doing 12 weeks. My plan was this: s4 andarine 50mgs a day lgd4033 20mgs a day cardarine gw 25mgs a day I’m currently five foot 8 178 pounds and around 14% body fat do you think this would be a good cycle to put on more muscle and lose fat
  13. E

    time for S4 finally

    not seeing many threads pushing s4, must not make a commission off of it right? Lol jk guys its a just! But seriously what is the harm using some S4 andarine on this cycle to get the most results. Looking to do 50mgs a day for 12 weeks. Any thoughts on what to stack it with? I’m looking for...
  14. B

    S4 and sr9009 good or no?

    What do you think about stacking s4 andarine along with sr9009? I’m curious to hear you’re experiencing stacking them I’m thinking about going 12 weeks and my stats are 43 years old I trained mostly in CrossFit 5 times a week and on the weekends I either do a lot of swimming or hiking I’m 185...
  15. S

    s4/andarine works well with cardarine?

    Cardarine gw 20mgs a day is what i was gonna do as my base Now I just have to figure out which sarm to use s4/andarine seems like a good choice. Would 50mgs a day work well? And would 12 weeks be a good dose. I’m in my mid twenties and this is going to be the first time I run anything like this...
  16. L

    200mgs test + 3 months of sarms

    Yes you read the title. I want to do 200mgs of testosterone enanthate along with sarms for 3 months The sarms i want to use are: S23 Yk11 s4/andarine 3 of the strongest sarms with test should get me good results yes? I'm 5 ft 7 in and I am 150 lb. 28 years old goal is to bulk up maybe 20 or 30 lb
  17. C

    andarine/s4 and sarms for cutting

    I’m looking for the best sarms to cut down Currently right at 200 pounds Need to cut down, but not Necessarily in body weight. I would like to drop body fat instead. I don't know my body fat but I can tell you I have some Pudge around my stomach that I can grab I'm 24 years old and I am training...
  18. B

    Sarms for sustained lean gains

    I’m looking to get some more sustained gains on my next sarms cycle My issue is simple. I cannot keep my gains on steroids. I gain A LOT of strength and size and then lose it all cause its so fast. I mean in 4 weeks i put on about 20 pounds on my last cycle. Looking to try sarms to get more long...
  19. L

    Quick results on sarms?

    I’m looking to get some fast results from sarms Really excited to try s4 andarine 50mgs a day Along with maybe some cardarine and ostarine My question is on dosing the the cardarine and ostarine correctly What kind of dosing would you do for both? I’m trying to get fast results as i said in the...
  20. C

    What are the best real sarms to use?

    Not interested in using sarm-like drugs like nutrobal or gw. I want to use real actually sarms and i wanted to buy them from a legit source Any recommendations for sources? I'm really interested in andarine s4, ostarine mk2866 and rad140. Sr9009 also seems interesting to me cause it is supposed...
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