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  • Hey Steve... I currently am @ 17% BF... I decided to target 10% range b4 moving forward with any AAS. Doc said end of April at my current pace is very feasible. here is a pic at my current status. Tryin like HELL to retain as much weight as possible during this process.
    i got a general discharge from the marines back in 08 for having to go back to my hometown to go to court while i was in boot camp....i cant go back cuz i got a felony. Honestly id rather be like a security guard at a prison, jus not sure what kind of gov't job i can get with a felony. But its getting reduced to a misdemeanor in september.

    Im opening up my online nutrition store within a month bro its gonna be sick! and yea degrees are over rated but i still wanna get one
    THX bro. Im definitely paying off a lot of bills and just trying to better myself right now. No partying really since im so busy with work and school, i hate school though, i just wanna invest in real estate/have my own nutrition business so i dont have to work under someones bullshit rules and bullshit minimum wages. hows everything goin with you?
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