Ortiz, you mentioned your daughter's arm and I wanted to ask you, have you ever heard of neuroplasticity?
Long story short, there are cases of adult brains recovering, virtually fully, from strokes, but the rehab has to be unconventional. The science is relatively new but this is not experimental, it's real neurologists, real researchers. In essence, it was believed that brain tissue is static, unchanging, but the reality is as long as its properly stimulated, neural tissue never loses the ability to grow and change and make new connections.
If you're interested, I'd start off with a book entitled "The brain that changes itself" very approachable, easy writing style, heavy enough in the science to not be fluffy, but there's a whole bunch of them out there: Amazon.com: Neuroplasticity: Books
I mean, never hurts, right? The trick is finding the right doctors/therapists, or doing the right therapy yourself.