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**EF EXCLUSIVE** HabitualHealth interviewed by Lestat!


Here is the next installment in the Lestat interview series. This is a special one because it is being released on the birthday of the interviewee.

This one came together quickly, I noticed that there were about two dozen habitualhealth threads on the first page of the forum, and thought you all deserved to get to know her a little better. She's more then just a pretty face and a "hawt" ass ;)

This interview took place via email between 04/20/2005 and 04/22/2005.

I think you all will really like this one!

Begin Interview

How did you first find out about Elite?
I was on a mad mission to learn what the hell I was doing in the gym & w/diet and a good friend made mention of EF... sent me a few posts....I’ve been hooked since.

Does your friend post on here?
Not sure

[editor's note: riiiight, its APP, just admit it]

Who are some of your favorite posters?
Oh lord, there are so many who crack me up over here. Danged ol Soklu, my fav e-stalker aap, Sassy69 (so wise), HabitualHealth is pretty dame funny, Velv, Frisky, artrius (you funny), bunny, crap this sucks....could I get a Mod to send me a list of the norm forum attendees??

What do you think of all the recent attention you have been receiving on EF?
Attention? What in the world are you talking about? I'm thinking i better get a T-SHIRT uh hem, or something for having 1500 threads started on my behalf in one day. C'mon know you wanna. Seriously, although I come off bold, aggressive, confident, and all the other things DIV has unveiled...I try to lead a humble life. I think the attention has been great and I really appreciate all the kind words (e-flirting) compliments (e-flirting) and jokes (e-flirting). Just brought more friendly banter to the boards. We should tell aap enough is enough with the HH threads tho. I've actually thought of starting a "we HATE HH" thread after all this. You know, mix it up a bit. (man, sure wish i had all the cool EF smileys to insert)

Do you think you could ever date someone you met on EF?
Could i? I suppose it's physically possible. Would i? Sure, anyone but aap. He's a little creepy if you ask me.

[editors note: keep up the e-flirting guys, you have a shot at this one!]

Have you ever used AAS?
That'd be a negatory.

What are your current fitness goals?
Longterm=to look hawt nekkid, lose more body fat & build mo muscle, ability to devour a half pint of ben and jerry's and my ass not jiggle for days?? Ok, ok, so maybe that's pretty unrealistic but a girl can dream right?

Currently=I'm doing a photo shoot at the end of May that involves some fitness shots....need to get it together for that.

What is your ethnic background?
Italian/ least that's what the mailman said.

Where did you go to college?
Georgia State University

What was your major?
Biz management

What do you do for a living?
I work for an well known armored transportation & cash logistics company. I'm the account exec for GA. No, I’m not an accountant....the only numbers I deal with are the ones going into my bank account. :) Can't let this sparkling personality go to waste can i? I'm in sales, I'm responsible for all existing clients as well as bringing in new business.

Although, you'd think as much as I'm on EF George would be cutting me a check.

[editor's note: George Spellwin likes nude photos, it may not get you a check, but it could put you on the fastrack to being a moderator]

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
Still posting on EF...that's for sure. Still being a kick ass mommy (just 10 years older)....having set myself up nicely financially, hopefully being married to the most amazing man in the world, perhaps another child.

[editor's note: all easily attainable if you stick around EF long enough]

What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Being a successful single mommy is the greatest thing I never thought I could do. Serious mode on: I came from a horrible childhood...not too many role models and certainly no mother. So, I suppose as much as I wanted a child myself, I was always petrified of what type of mommy I would be. But, i have to toot my own horn and say that I kick ass.

If you could meet anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?
Gees, for once, i'm speechless. (can we get a day/time stamp on this?) I don't know. I figure the people who have come and gone in my life have come and gone for a reason. No need in digging up the dead. Actually am excited about meeting everyone from EF here in Atlanta.

So I hear you play the drums, how did you get into them?
I played for 13 years. My dad was in a band when i was itty bitty and I adored him. My goal at 2 (what? 2yro's have goals too ya know?!) was A. to get to the cookie jar and B. be just like my dad. So he had sticks (drumsticks pervs) in my hands before I could say drumsticks.

Every play in a band?
I was no rocker chic by any means but I did do the whole garage-rock-out-sessions here and there.

What are some of your favorite bands?
What genre of music are we talkin?? ....incubus, breaking benjamin, chevelle, the used, slipknot, muse, hoobastank, unwritten law, gosh....there are sooooooo many awesome groups.

What are you listening to right now?
My mini ipod...sexual heali...pfft, who would have, um, THAT in their ipod?...actually, listening to Seven Mary Three.

What is your favorite movie?
Billy Madison, Shawshank Redemption, Serendipity, Pretty Woman, Big Daddy, Old School, Van Wilder....oh, did u want just one?

What kind of car do you drive?
Personal car=2001 Silver Olds Intrigue (personality fitting don't you think?) Company car=2005 Ford Taurus

Where do you live?
In a home...this a trick question? Atlanta, gawga

Where are you from originally?
I'm a yank....mmmkkk? :)

Do you have any pets?
Does a 3 year old count? No, no pets.

Are you single?
Do we really need to bring attention to this? Yeppers, I'm single.

What traits do you look for in a guy?
Integrity, quick wit, intellect, honesty, substance, heart, ambition, morals, lack of unibrow, lack of halitosis, fashionable, no cowboy boots (sorry, i....just....can't....stand....them), I do love a guy that smells good, um, not a fan of whitey tighties...even when i see commercials i think "scoooby doooby dooooo where are you". Sorry, there's no gettin' it on when that theme song is blasting in your head.

....oh yeah....and he can be butt ugly as long as all of these check out. aap, you in?

Describe an ideal date.
At this point, just needs to have a pulse....male or female will suffice.

Heh, let's's been so long since i've been on one i'm drawin' a blank. Anything out of the norm would kick ass. I'm not a dinner/movie date kinda gal. That's more for a once you're settled into a comfy-no-more-sex-marriage kind of date. Let's go to a sporting event, yeah i love sports, grab a bite to eat. Comedy clubs are great. I don't like mundane. I guess something "ideal" for me would be a creative guy coming up with something ideal so I dont have to. (see how easy i am?)

OR, we could just screw the whole datin' thing and get to the gettin' it on part.

[editor's note: sounds good to me!]

Describe a disaster date you have been on.
Oh dear god...this one is great...true story, I met this guy here in atlanta...very reputable profession.....financially well to do...great personality....easy on the eyes....we go out for sushi (my fav)....things are going great...goofying back and forth and me and my inquisitive butt asks forbidden question...."so, weirdo, tell me something about you I dont know". About 5 minutes of silence passes and I can just see the wheels, keep in mind we have similar personalities (mine being better of course) but quick sarcastic what came out of his mouth next was actually quite a surprise....

..."well, HH"..he says. "I'm only telling you this because even tho this is only our SECOND date, you are a super cool chick and I know you can handle it" (WARNING: anytime a man/woman prefaces a comment or story with this, get the hell out of dodge) i'm sitting on the edge of my seat like a dog panting at a pork loin and he says "i really like what it does to me and the way it makes me feel (i go in for a sip of water...dont do this either) when I wear women's lingerie".

SPEEWWWWWWW....water comes flying out of my mouth, nose, prolly eyes and heads straight for him of course because I'm laughing so hard. I can't remember this part too well but I might have peed on myself too. WTF right? So, as I'm sitting there laughing arms flailing all over the place, slappin' the table and such my laughter comes to a halt when I get off the floor and see....I'm the only one laughing. This freak show is FURREAL! End date.

So sushi is your favorite food, mine too, what do you like the best?
Super crunch rolls, rainbow roll, tuna, smoked salmon, eel, ALL of it!!

When was the last time you got laid?
OMG! TMI (does BOB count?)

Are you into anal?
Into? As in I walk around with a sign on my rear saying "insert here please"?? Umm, no.

[editor's note: very creative way of saying YES!]

Does size matter?
The ring you put on my finger? Probably not. The size of the peen....yes.

[editor's note: score 1 for the IronCocks]

Do you own a vibrator?
When was the last time you used it? OMG! Me and BOB (battery operated boyfr...) oh we go places hun. Ohhh yesssssss, weeee goooooooooooooooooooooo..asdfasdfjojfghfghsf. (umm, damn bug)

Uh hem, gees sorry, what was that last question?

On average, how long do you date a guy before he gets to hit it?
"hit it" classy term if ya ask me....I don't have an itinerary or agenda. I can only speak from the past and say some never get the keys to the kingdom. Only one person I can think of who explored the tunnel of luuuv within the first month of "dating"....that'd be my baby daddy. Haha...he and I were together for years after that. When it's good, it's good I guess. *dusts off shoulder*

Do you have a favorite sexual position?
i have to pick one? Booo, who came up with this question anyway? haha. Anything but ordinary. 'Nuff said.

[editor's note: so reverse cowgirl and the piledriver are favs]

Have any brothers or sisters?
i have like 150 step, half, inbred.....oh, ummm, i have a step bro and half bro I'm close to. My dad needs a new hobby...he's on his 5th marriage. I have step bro's/sis's that I dont even know their names.

Tell me a funny story from your childhood.
Funny story....hmmmmm...i was younger...the two bro's (referred to above) and i were at the mall with the ol hag. She was shopping around and told us if we were reeealllly good (skank) she'd give us all a penny and we could make a really good wish....toss our penny in the wishing fountain...and of course, our wish would come true. So my oldest bro is tall, lanky, annoyingly obnoxious type...younger bro is muscular, hot headed, quiet, reserved type...then there's me....devious, intellect and cute as a button. (Look, this is MY story!) heh So when the stepmonster goes into the store we're all SO excited and run out to the fountain with our pennies....looking in the water talking about what we're going to wish for. So, my younger bro closes his eyes and makes a wish and *PING* tosses his penny in. Older brother decides he's gonna be next and does the same. So, being the girl...i had to make my wish profound, thought-provoking, this was the rest of my life i was banking on (you know how decisive we are) I close my eyes...and think, and think, still thing i know my dame penny is in the bottom of the fountain!! WTF? My oldest annoying bro had grabbed my penny and chunked it. So I did what any younger-pissed-off-wishless-sister would've done and I sent his lanky ass in after it. That's right, i shoved his skinny ass in the what? 3 foot wishing fountain in the middle of the mall. He jumps out screaming like a pansy (i dont think he had hit puberty at that point so u can imagine) but when he jumped out...he didn't have my dame penny. So me and my other YOUNGER bro....shove is ass back in for round two. Apparently the ol hag found something she really liked because it was round 5 before she came trailing out of the store, pulled us off of him, and beat the "ever-livin'-tar" out of us. Shoot we didn't care, it was our dorky bro who had to walk out of the mall soppin' wet, squishy ass squeaking with every step. We both walked a few steps behind, standing a lil taller...snickerin'. That was the best day of my 5 year old life.

Tell me an embarrassing moment.
I'm legally blind...and as a kid (young adult) i had a really hard time with my equilibrium and vision. Most embarassing moment that pops into mind would be walking into burger king with the softball team (i think I was around 9-10)...i had sandals on....opened the door and clocked myself square in the head all the while the door hit my foot and ripped my big toenail off. I was out like a fat kid in dodgeball.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I'd look hawt nekkid.

[editor's note: I bet you do already, post some pics so we can be sure]

End Interview

This was a fun one, hope you all enjoyed it!

Nice interview Lestat!

Is that the ultimate girl or what!
alien amp pharm said:
Nice interview Lestat!

Is that the ultimate girl or what!

I knew you would have something to say. Where have you been all morning?

She is a sweet girl! Looking forward to meeting her. :heart: :heart:
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