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In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out an oral only cycle – Turinabol and Anavar. We discuss:
• What would be the best use of these two compounds?
• The advantages and disadvantages of running oral only cycles.
• How highly regarded both are by experts in spite of their lack of 'feeling on'.
• Both have low levels of side effects and we address managing those that do occur.
• How to deal with the potential side effects (the crazy 'var pumps being one example)
• The importance of using an organ protector on oral only cycles
• How to train on them to get the best from them
• Stevesmi discusses the idea of alternate day fasting as means to get into shape plus the additional benefits of fasting. Mobster mentions their protein retention qualities.
• Why it is important to use a trusted source
• And, as always, the optimal doses and cycle lengths
Link to Evo threads:
Link to article on Turinabol:
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