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Omnadren 250 - Lot # 20201

Offhand I would say that they are real, but without seeing them its hard to say...counterfeiters are pretty good with omna's so it's gonna be hard to tell without actually seeing them. If you grow like me though you can shoot 2 amps in the first week and you will know...
Xtreme2001 said:
Thanks Terminator and bebaumax for your help!!!

Xtreme, not a problem, bud. There is a way to tell, though, bud, and it's all in those dates on the side. Look at Terminator's last pic, and look CLOSELY at the numbers and letters, see how they are not perfectly lined up? What I mean is, if you drew a straight line underneath them, it would not touch all the numbers and letters, or it would cut the bottom of some of them off. Now, look at the fake I posted. You could draw a line right under those numbers/letters for the expiration date and it would touch the bottom of all the numbers/letters perfectly evenly. That's how you can tell. If your dates are stamped on (uneven) and not printed (perfectly even), then your gear is legit.
bebaumax said:

Xtreme, not a problem, bud. There is a way to tell, though, bud, and it's all in those dates on the side. Look at Terminator's last pic, and look CLOSELY at the numbers and letters, see how they are not perfectly lined up? What I mean is, if you drew a straight line underneath them, it would not touch all the numbers and letters, or it would cut the bottom of some of them off. Now, look at the fake I posted. You could draw a line right under those numbers/letters for the expiration date and it would touch the bottom of all the numbers/letters perfectly evenly. That's how you can tell. If your dates are stamped on (uneven) and not printed (perfectly even), then your gear is legit.

That's the opposite of how i would have thought it would be- good to know though :)
I just got 200 amps of omna sust, and now i am a bit worried that they are fake. Can you explain to me how i can BE SURE if they are real or fake.

Most have the lot# 41002, and Exp date of 10.2005.

The rest, which is not too many have lot# 10802, and Exp date of 08.2005

They also have a white dot on the neck.

I really appreciate the help, Thank you and take care.

M56M, go back up and read my last post about the expiration dates. Do yours look "stamped" on or "printed" on as part of the original printing of the label? Also, which picture (there are a couple in this thread) do your amps most resemble?
I'm not sure which pic you were referring to either. But they should look like these.

thanks bro.

The Terminator said:
I'm not sure which pic you were referring to either. But they should look like these.


Well they look alot like these, but if they are fake they should look like them. SO i am still at square one bro. so if i could draw a line under the numbers and the letters, then they should go through some of them, not allign perfectly? well, i know the if i tried to allign it with the # are not perfectly with the letters. SO thats good? But i am not sure if the years and the month do? should does not allign also?

Thanks bro.

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