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HGH for shoulder injury


Viking Beast
I got in a motorcycle accident last September which dislocated my left shoulder and broke my left arm. They had to cut my shoulder open to put pins in and put the arm back in the shoulder. My shoulder muscle had atrophy big time (totally flat in the shoulder). I have gained some of the muscle back and almost all the strength, but it's still not round like my right shoulder (still has a slightly flat look to it). I'm on HRT and my body actually produces higher IFG-1 levels then normal in my blood test (I'm 46 years old).

Can HGH help (I'm not expecting miracles) with getting the shoulder back to normal after a couple of months? I just started injecting right into my left shoulder. It's Kigtropin HGH.
5 IU IM (Mon/Wed/Fri)
Plan to up it by 1 IU each week until I'm doing
10 IU IM (Mon/Wed/Fri)
I plan to do my first ever blast of test next month of 325mg/weekly of test. Is there anything any of you can recommend to get my left should back to that full round look?

My fiancee went out with me because I had broad shoulders. I gotta keep looking sexy for her:)
I think you'd be better off pulsing your HGH to mimic your natural production pulses.

I would do it this way depending on when you lift (I lift 4:30am):
- wake up (this also my pre-workout) - 1iu
- PWO - 2iu
- 12pm - 1iu
- pre-bed - 1iu

If you want to spread it out even more you could do 1iu 5 times daily. That's a lot of IM pinning but you would benefit more from the HGH if this is done every 3 hours in a pulsitile fashion. I won't post the whole study unless you want me to bit here's the conclusion:

Endogenous growth hormone (GH) secretion in male rats is synchronized to pulsatile GH infusions given at 3-hour intervals, Carlsson LMS, Jansson JO, Endocrinology 1990 126:6–10

It is concluded that the endogenous GH pulses in male rats became synchronized to intermittent infusions of hGH at 3-h (but not 1.5-h) intervals. The fact that there were no endogenous pulses between the 3-hourly infusions suggests that the feedback effect of a GH pulse lasts for approximately 3 h. This mechanism may be involved in the control of the GH secretory pattern in male rats.
Also, 10iu's is a lot if you aren't used to it. I'm on 4 iu's of Elitropin currently. When I upped it to 6iu's my hands and feel we're swole as hell, couldn't get my wedding ring on and my dress shoes were super tight. 4iu's seems to be my magic number at least with Elitropin. I'll be starting on 400iu's of Hygetropin in another month and I heard they are strong as hell so I may be dropping even lower in the dosage depending on sides.

What is the highest dose of HGH you've taken?
If you have high quality hgh, 10ius is too much... You are going into the danger zone with that in terms of possible sides... If its not high quality, then that is one thing but if it is, you are putting yourself at a big risk with certain sides that could come along... The first that comes to mind in an increase in organ size... That alone should scare you enough... 10 ius is not something I would explore...
If you have high quality hgh, 10ius is too much... You are going into the danger zone with that in terms of possible sides... If its not high quality, then that is one thing but if it is, you are putting yourself at a big risk with certain sides that could come along... The first that comes to mind in an increase in organ size... That alone should scare you enough... 10 ius is not something I would explore...

I Echo these comments.
So is what is written here wrong?
He talked about IM injections 3 days a week up to 10 IU with no sides. I don't want to mess myself up, so I'm going to definitely listen to what is said on here. So daily sub-q injections of 2 - 4 IU would be better?

On another forum, someone mentioned TB500. Anybody know about TB500 and if that would help?

That was for experienced users and this protocol only lasted 3 weeks and is certainly not for everyone, here is a quote from his write up " Assuming your gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - is of good quality and has been stored and shipped correctly there need not be any reason for you to use more than 4iu/day" Unquote:
So is what is written here wrong?
He talked about IM injections 3 days a week up to 10 IU with no sides. I don't want to mess myself up, so I'm going to definitely listen to what is said on here. So daily sub-q injections of 2 - 4 IU would be better?

On another forum, someone mentioned TB500. Anybody know about TB500 and if that would help?

I don't know anything about TB500, but 4iu's for me is golden. Everyone is different and each vendors (if you can call then vendors) HGH potency will be different. I'll try to post some stuff about HGH pulsation later, folks seem to be interested. I do mine sub-q usually 3-4 injections a day consisting of 1iu each spaced out 3 hrs apart before meals (should be about 2 hours fasted pre-injection).
Thanks guys. I'm going to drop it to 2IU daily and then up it 1IU each week until I'm at 4IU. I've only done 2 shots so far (Wed and today) at 5IU Inter-Muscular. I've never done HGH before and like I said, my IFG-1 levels are already above normal, so just hoping for better healing in the left shoulder over time. I don't even know if this stuff is legit. I plan to give myself a shot and then get a blood test a hour later for HGH and IFG-1 to see where the levels are at and maybe get a idea if the stuff is good or not.
I think you'd be better off pulsing your HGH to mimic your natural production pulses.

I would do it this way depending on when you lift (I lift 4:30am):
- wake up (this also my pre-workout) - 1iu
- PWO - 2iu
- 12pm - 1iu
- pre-bed - 1iu

If you want to spread it out even more you could do 1iu 5 times daily. That's a lot of IM pinning but you would benefit more from the HGH if this is done every 3 hours in a pulsitile fashion. I won't post the whole study unless you want me to bit here's the conclusion:

Endogenous growth hormone (GH) secretion in male rats is synchronized to pulsatile GH infusions given at 3-hour intervals, Carlsson LMS, Jansson JO, Endocrinology 1990 126:6–10

It is concluded that the endogenous GH pulses in male rats became synchronized to intermittent infusions of hGH at 3-h (but not 1.5-h) intervals. The fact that there were no endogenous pulses between the 3-hourly infusions suggests that the feedback effect of a GH pulse lasts for approximately 3 h. This mechanism may be involved in the control of the GH secretory pattern in male rats.

Interesting idea,,,I like it.
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