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80 pounds in 4 months?

wlmcrae said:
And for places to go for the 'how to' of the great advice given so far, try the book Body for Life by Bill Phillips and/or the e-book by Tom Venuto called Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.

To make your goals, you will need a balanced cardio, resistance (lifting) and nutrition program. You do not have to pay 500 million dollars to a gym/trainer for it - the above resources will give you everything you need to set up your own, start, tweak and get to your goals.

As mentioned, about 1-2 lbs of fat per week is reasonable as a goal, assuming you are a 'genetic normal'. Be aware that you could easily lose more than that in the first little bit, due to dumping water weight. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't continue at that rate. Also, measure progress by body composition, not scale weight. If you've lost 8lbs of fat and put on 4lbs of muscle in a month, don't be discouraged at a scale weight change of only 4lbs! At 2lbs fat per week, you'll lose your 80 in 40 weeks (less than a year), be healthy, solid and sassy and KNOW HOW TO MAINTAIN that for the rest of your life! Any old diet could GET you to the goal, but MAINTAINING is a lifestyle (which is why slow and steady wins the race - you're changing all your habits.)

This is a very good point. Initially you will probably lose around 10-12lbs of water, and may seem like you've struck gold with a diet/fat loss regime. Do not let this discourage you when your losses slow to 1 or 2lbs a week, as it will happen if you are doing it right.

Just stay steadfast with your diet and keep up the lifts / minor cardio and you will be well ony our way to a great end result.
First off,

Get yourself to they gym or commit yourself to workout at home consistently. Do light weights 15-20 reps and do as much cardio as you can all the time any time. Good times are in the morning on an empty stomach or immidiately afterworkout when your metabolism is already raised.

after a month or so, immidiately after working out, buy some protein powder, any cheap good tasting protein will do without sucralose/aspartame/ext. , example - nectar naturals and ON natural

Drink your shake after every workout. Do this for a couple weeks or so.

Its been about 6 weeks and you should have lost 6-12 pounds.

Now, stop eating fast food, junk food, sweets, and sodas. Eat more frequently, and concentrate on a big breakfast and small meals throughout the rest of the day. Replace all this with a lot of lean meats such as beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, tuna, tilipia. Then plenty of water to quench thrist (even fresh squeezed juices will make you fat cuz of sugar). Then compensate your sweet tooth by eating fruits and as much as you want. A very useful fat loss technique is, don't eat carbs 4 hours before bedtime including fruits and milk. Instead only meats, fats, nut, and almonds.

Continue for a whole year. And you will, i promise you 100%, that you will lose the weight you want that will make you look 10 times better. If you stay comitted and dedicated each and every day, and don't let anything stop you, you will reach that goal. Forget about 80 pounds in 4 months. Think of 10-15 pounds in 4 months. That is very noticable.

Now just make it a lifestyle and become a healthy looking, great body, and successful individual.

Start tomorrow. Better yet start right now. Get your gym clothes ready for tomorrow or buy some dumbells and new running sneaks.

This is the best advice somebody could give you. No hidden secrets, no other methods, this is the ultimate path.

Good luck to you, and make that change.
Take this day by day and dont look at the 80 lbs.. just look at each pound you lose and then aim to the next one ..

This is a lifestyle, it doesn't have to be starving yourself
It can be done but not a good idea. Would take low cals and ass loads of cardio to do it. But again like most said you would loose a lot of muscle and some fat that way and most likely no abs at the end.

lookatme4001 said:
It took me a year to 12 months to lose 80 lbs. I didn't go on a diet though, I just changed my lifestyle and eating habits. If you need any advice/help let me know.

:goof: Sorry, that made me laugh

80lbs in 4 months....not a good thing....thats a big shock to the body and that cant be good...
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