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500 grams of protein per day??!!


New member
Guys, I was on the Max-OT website looking around and to hit a 4500 calorie per day diet while on a bulking cycle (currently Test E and EQ) they recommend 495g of protein, 416g of carbs, and 95g of fat. Does anyone think that is way too much p + c and not enough fat? Can my body even come close to using 495g of protein. I mean to get 4500 cals is hard enough, but it seems easier with a decent amount of fat. Thoughts?
If you're eating 7 meals per day it works out to be around 70g of protein per meal. Most people agree that 50g protein is the max that your body will use per meal but I'd think it would vary from person to person.

Prepare for the mass farting, my friend. Warn your friends and family.
max ot regimen is outdated. try to up the good fats to icrease your daily cals w/o

eating this large amount of protein but thats me though.

I suggest you take digestive enzymes high in protease, amylase & lipase a cup of

water 15 min b4 each meal.
Yea, I'd up the fats and lower the protein on that a bit. 495g of protein is just simply unecessary. If you do consume that much, MAKE SURE your water intake is extremely high to alleviate some stress on your kidneys..
tipical bulking ratios are 50% carbs, 30% prot and 20% fat.

Since you are upping carbs so much (to fuel those workouts) you don't want to increase fat at the same time.

for a 4500 cals diet, this would be:

P 330g
C 570g
F 100g

damn, 570g carbs/day :p
is it possible to consume that amount of carbs clean? I don't think I could come close..

I guess I'll stick to my 3600 bulk :p
yah, way too much...

On my 4500 calorie bulk I usually get 125g fat, 500g carbs, 300 g protein. 300g is much more than enough
YoungIntricateMuscle said:
no point without steroids
(currently testosterone enanthate and Equipoise - boldenone undecylenate - )
Those sound like juice to me.

Ive never heard what Ronnie and Jay and those guys eat. I dont know if they would even be totally honest. They are stars for a reason and some of its probably secrative.
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