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1 Year off and out of no where, GYNO in right side


New member
haven't been on anything the past year and all of a sudden my right nipple area started with a dime size lump and now it's almost a quarter size(just a bit smaller). hasn't been getting worse, but it's tender and I notice it when i'm playing ball and bump up against someone or my son steps on it, pain. in the past nolvadex has worked best for me, as compared to research chemicals like Femara or Liquidex. So i've been taking 20mg of nolva ed for the past 3 days and looking forward to some shrinkage. Anyone think of why this would happen so long after my cycle? is there something herbal I could add to the mix to help get rid of it? how's 20mg of nolva ed? i guess some more info is in order. i'm 36, done a half dozen or so cycles but stopped lifting seriously about a year ago. i'm just trippin on why it would come up like that out of no where. i'm not taking any other drugs (other than recreational smoke), same as always. karma for some insightful responses.
babbabuee said:
haven't been on anything the past year and all of a sudden my right nipple area started with a dime size lump and now it's almost a quarter size(just a bit smaller). hasn't been getting worse, but it's tender and I notice it when i'm playing ball and bump up against someone or my son steps on it, pain. in the past nolvadex has worked best for me, as compared to research chemicals like Femara or Liquidex. So i've been taking 20mg of Nolvaldex - tamoxifen citrate - ed for the past 3 days and looking forward to some shrinkage. Anyone think of why this would happen so long after my cycle? is there something herbal I could add to the mix to help get rid of it? how's 20mg of Nolvaldex - tamoxifen citrate - ed? i guess some more info is in order. i'm 36, done a half dozen or so cycles but stopped lifting seriously about a year ago. i'm just trippin on why it would come up like that out of no where. i'm not taking any other drugs (other than recreational smoke), same as always. karma for some insightful responses.

dam I never heard of all this shit after a year of not talking anything
id try running dostinex letro and nolvadex, also use dermacrine sustain.. give it 1 huge attack rather then try 1 product at a time.. run dos .5 mg e3d letro 2.25 mg ed dermacrine 5 pumps, and nolva 20-40 mg a day..
I had pretty much the same thing happen to me; 10 months off and then suddenly a little unwelcome visitor. Nolva didn't help too much but I got on Aromasin at 25mg/day which did help quite quickly.
what did your last fycle consist of? The only thing ive ever heard of causing gyno that long after a cycle is deca.
jumpmaster82 said:
what did your last fycle consist of? The only thing ive ever heard of causing gynecomastia that long after a cycle is Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - .
smoking weed lowers your own natural test i would get some derm off the board here and raise your natty that will help and keep on the nolva.
Have you been drinking a lot bro? Same shit happened to me and I think it was from partying nightly a few years ago. Letro took care of most of it though.
blacksabbath1987 said:
smoking weed lowers your own natural test i would get some derm off the board here and raise your natty that will help and keep on the Nolvaldex - tamoxifen citrate - .
You are right bro. Smoking weed will also raise estro. It has been proven to do so. I would run some letro 2.5mg e3d for a week.Change the letro dose up or down depending of the lump gos away or not. Keep going up till its gone. Once it is gone switch to nolva 30mg ed for a week or 2. Run dermacrine sustain alpha threw out the whole process and at least a week after. This program should take care of the gyno well keeping your sex drive up and preventing rebound.

Cut down on the weed bro.
That it's only on one side makes me suspicious that it may be something else. Maybe some kind of deep cystic acne, ingrown hair, or something of the like, especially if it's just one localized lump. I'd see a dermotologist soon. You might just need it drained or removed - a simple procedure. Good luck!!
ok, I'll try to address all questions/comments...
Last cycle was in fact Sust(which I've done numerous times) and first time with Deca. I've taken primo/test E/EQ/Sust/Dbol/Winny and never had a single lump. That Deca cycle though was the first time I got a lump and well, long story short, I cut my cycle short and went off completely. Did my traditional clomid PCT and the lump went away. I am pretty sure though that it's not an ingrown hair or cystic acne because I remember the sensitivity and the lump itself. As for weed, been smoking that since i was a teenager and i've never had anything close to a lump or even sensitive nips in my life up until last year.
I'm not sure i'm down with the multiple compounds to treat it as i'm concerned if there are side effects, how would you know which one caused it. This is somethign most guys don't address when dealing with multiple AAS cycles. Such as my Test/Deca/winny tabs cycle. when the lump came i didn't know what compound caused it. Plus my liver needs a break from the stresses I've put it through. thanks for the feeback guys. good to know i can always come back here for some help.
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