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what would you do if your girl wanted you to stop using AAS....

  • Thread starter DepressiveJuice
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should she know? You take nitrotech and celltech, when you run out just fill it up with some tang and say you still taking it. LOL She dont believe you show her the ads in the magazines.

I dont understand why anybody would tell their girl, then thats the first thing that comes up in divorce court or to your family and friends when you break up or she gets mad cause she finds out your banging the hot chick at the gym and gives the police a "tip".

If you cant keep your fricken mouth shut what makes oyu think she can?
Re: why

me2dammit said:
should she know? You take nitrotech and celltech, when you run out just fill it up with some tang and say you still taking it. LOL She dont believe you show her the ads in the magazines.

I dont understand why anybody would tell their girl, then thats the first thing that comes up in divorce court or to your family and friends when you break up or she gets mad cause she finds out your banging the hot chick at the gym and gives the police a "tip".

If you cant keep your fricken mouth shut what makes oyu think she can?

im going to agree with you about that; that if you dont keep your mouth shut, she might not either. At the same time, I couldnt keep something from someone that i was in a serious relationship with, especially if it was as big of a deal as juicing. You take the chance of getting burned by opening up to anyone about anything, some of us are willing to take that chance, others arent.

Im sure we all know some females, well probably some males too that have no clue what anything is when it comes to supplements/AAS. My best friends girlfriend actually told me that creatine was a steroid:mix: (needless to say, i slapped her)
juicedmullet said:
the horniness side is the hardest for me, brace yourself, im a 20 year old virgin, and thats the hardest part

Good for you. I don't know how you do it, though....that extra test turns me into a machine with only one primary & destroy.......:p
bro I delt with this for a long time...I did most behind her back...played dumb a lot, but since she is about to become my wife, i fel I owed it to her to talk to her about it, she was very much so against it at first, of course due to the wonderful press etc...all she knew were the sides....but i let her read and learn and included her as much as possible and this months mens health magaizine helped too... so needless to say she has agreed to let me do my thing, i know what i am doing and she knows i would do nothing to harm our family...good luck but u have to poke at it, and see where she stands then go from there
I hid it from my girl right up until the point I knew we would be together for a long time. We've been together for 2 years and lived together for 8 months and have been training together since about the third month of our relationship. Now that she is into it she is supportive of my quest to compete and also wants to do fitness comps herself. Now she does my injections for me! I think they call that a keeper! :D
gilly6993 said:
she's always asking when I plan on stopping and I just give her that dumb "I don't know"......

exactly what i do too, but if it came down to choosing her or juice, id pick her... love sucks boys...:(
Nelson Montana said:
Well, if she says you're starting to look and act like an asshole, you should listen to her.

If she doesn't know any better, you should explain it her.

If she just want's to be a bitch, you should dump he -- unless you have no other poontang alternatives readily assesable, in which case you should lie to her.

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