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what does it take to get you s**tfaced?

I can kill a two-four (24 beers, or a case for you Americans) over the course of an entire evening. This includes drinking a few with dinner, then some while chillin' with friends pre-bar, and beer consumed at the bar. I'm right smashed at the end, not sloppy, but smashed.
I've done 6 shots in rapid succession. And then booty called one of the ugliest girls I've ever hit. Now I try to spread it out a bit.
When I did drink it depended on my condition. If it was winter when I'm usually out of shape it takes more liquor. Beer just makes me pee. In summer lean condition I'd get bombed pretty quick.
chaos mage said:
If take about 1500mg of acetaminophen beforehand to render the liver useless, after 8 beers I get whammed.
your poor liver! :worried:
I couldn't even finish a 6-pack of Corona last night....I had/have zero desire to drink more than 3-4 beers in a night.
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