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What bro's in here prefer test prop?

little chris

New member
I was originally gonna use enathate but can only get cyp or prop. I know cyp is closer to enth but I like the idea that prop is better for cutting and less aromatizing than others. The only thing keeping away from prop is the pain it causes. Is this true and how bad is the pain?
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little chris said:
I was originally gonna use enathate but can only get cyp or prop. I know cyp is closer to prop but I like the idea that prop is better for cutting and less aromatizing than others. The only thing keeping away from prop is the pain it causes. Is this true and how bad is the pain?

cyp isn't closer to prop, it's closer, in fact almost identical to, enanthate, in terms of half-life anyway. I seem to hold a little more water w/ cyp though. I do like prop but I also like enanthate. In fact I like both at the same time. hehe Some prop's can be painful, very painful in fact, however some like virormone (my favorite) and testovis are pretty painless. I'm sure there are others that are not that bad. But I see no reason to avoid enanthate bro, it's really not that bad.
Well the other thing I like about prop is its only detectable for like 2 weeks where as enth is 3 months. This is really my biggest concern. I found out that my work doesn't screen for AAS in their urine tests but the take hair samples and when I asked if they screen for AAS in the hair the women didn't know.
The only difference between cypionate and enanthate is that there are 8 carbons in the cypionate ester, and 7 in the enanthate. Because the ester is included in the weight of the test as a whole and not seperately 100mg of enanthate is slightly stronger and less long acting than 100mg of cypionate. Some ppl may notice a slight difference with effectiveness or frequency of side effects but for most ppl, the difference is neg. These long acting testosterones as well as sustanon/omnadrene benifit from being front loaded, especially if its being used alone.

Testosterone propionate for some reason seems to have slightly different effects on many ppl than either cypionate or enanthate. Because of it's half life prop. should be administered eod day unless large doses (300-400mg) in which case e3d would seem reasonable. The frequency of injects causes prop to be stacked with other eod injectables like fina and winny. This may be another reason that it is thought of as mainly a cutting drug.

The property that make prop unique among the esterfied testosterones is of course its short half life. I believe this can be used to the most benifit at the end of a cycle to cut down on time between a cycles end and the recovery period in which natural test levels are brought back to pre-cycle levels. If a 10 week cycle was planned this could be achieved by stopping use of enthante/cypionate at 8 weeks, or sustanon/omnadrene at 7 weeks. For the remaining 2-3 weeks 100mg eod would be sufficient to continue gains from 500mg of sustanon or enanthat/cypionate because the testosterone will still be released over a number of weeks following their last injection.
In my opinion test prop is my favourite!! Coming from Australia we are very lucky to have 500ml bladders at 100mg's each ml.
I prefer test prop

Tho with eth and cyp your injections are spaced further apart, with my gear I do EOD anyways....and Test prop or straight test can be made from legal mail order supplies.....just my prefrence.
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