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What are the consequences of extremely low estrogen levels?


New member
I constantly hear about how sometimes too little estrogen can be a bad thing. For those that sometimes run Arimidex/Liquidex and Nolvadex together, can this be a problem? What can result from it? Just asking because I have run .5mg A-dex EOD and 20mg nolv during the last cycle to prevent gyno/bloat and feel I may have been overdoing it, althogh the nolv was only an occasional addition at the sign of lumpy nips. advice appreciated, thanks
Heart disease


Loss of libido



Elevated LDL

Elevated triglycerides

Decreased HDL

Decreased skin elasticity

Joint degeneration

Prostate cancer
well, at what point does it start? Low estrogen is a bad thing and the use of anti-e's is overhyped IMO.

This could be a good post if it doesnt get out of hand. Really, I also would like to know how low is too low, and how long do you need to be at that low range for the sides that Nelson mentioned to begin.
I've been doing .5mg EOD for about 1 month now.

I've noticed my skin is less than half as oily as it used to be.

I also notice that Libido is actually up, but ejaculate is down.

Weird. Other than that I don't notice anything else.
Nelson Montana said:
Heart disease


Loss of libido



Elevated LDL

Elevated triglycerides

Decreased HDL

Decreased skin elasticity

Joint degeneration

Prostate cancer

i've been on femara for about 8 months (a few short breaks)
my results are vascularity, hardness, decreased bodyfat in abs, darkening of skin, some hair loss (minimal) lower blood pressure, less anxiety and some muscle gain

The sides went like this:

when i 1st started taking it 2.5mg EOD i got headaces, lost my sex drive, and had no memory.

then i went to 2.5mg Every 3 days and things got better. i got my sex drive back my mind started working again

no idea what my hdl/ldl profile is like. i don't use steroids so i should be ok
why were you using 2.5mg EOD??

That's insanely high for someone who's not on AAS! even every other 3 days it's still a lot.
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