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Wannabe war heroes

I'm not talking about boot I'm talking about my unit and I was SOI not MCT.

2/2 Weapons Co

Hunter Of Gunmen

So your talking about SOI unit weapon?
Still trainees and NOT going to get a good gun.

Training commands are bottom of the barrel.

DrOiD BioNiC EF App!
So your talking about SOI unit weapon?
Still trainees and NOT going to get a good gun.

Training commands are bottom of the barrel.

DrOiD BioNiC EF App!

I'm not talking about a training command. My training weapons were shit as well. I didn't get my first A4 till mid 08. When I first got to my unit 2/2 I was issued an A2 and it was a piece of shit. My unit was in the middle of a CMR getting in newer equip from other units. That's when I got the A4.

All of my gear was trash.
My SAPI plates were chipped in the corners and one had a crack down it.
My main pack had a hole in it and was missing straps, my deuce gear was ripped, my butt pack wouldn't zip closed. It was hell trying to get CIF to give me a damn gator neck.

What I'm saying is we don't get new gear, we get shit passed from other units or branches before they buy new gear.

Hunter Of Gunmen
I hear garbage men are powerful cuz there is one union throughout the whole world. Take that army ppls

Ida thought Weakmo would be in here for this convo more
Im a veteran and any pretender is a insult and a slap in the face thoes like myself and my marine brother. Take this veterans advice and stop running it cause we service men can figure out ur status in a one min conversation. Be real.

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I have USMC 0317 tattooed on the top of my wrist and when people see it they ask me what it means then when I tell them they pop off the "yea I was recon" or the "I'm ex special forces" it never fails, I've had maybe one that was legit.

I arrested a kid one day and when we were strip searching him I seen a tattoo on his back. from shoulder to shoulder he the Marine force recon emblem. I asked him what unit he was in and he said California lol I asked him again and he said SOI (school of infantry)

I asked where he went to BRC and he just looked at me. If he was legit he could of answered this with no prob. Turns out he for kicked out before he completed SOI so he never made it to BRC.

I threatened him about having shit like that, that you never earned and what would happen to him if a real recon Marine caught his poser ass.

Hunter Of Gunmen
You can most times look at a ngr and tell if he's SF or not. Funny thing to me is nobody in the civilan world has a clue WTF a Force Recon Marine is. I can tell by your comments you are Recon or have trained closely with Recon, because only in the world of Recaon Marines do we know Seals for what they really are, Poosies.
You can most times look at a ngr and tell if he's SF or not. Funny thing to me is nobody in the civilan world has a clue WTF a Force Recon Marine is. I can tell by your comments you are Recon or have trained closely with Recon, because only in the world of Recaon Marines do we know Seals for what they really are, Poosies.

It normally takes me about three or four questions before I call bullshit. You can tell in their demeanor, voice and my personal fav, their eyes they never lie.

I'm originally an 11 but billeted out as a 17. I Have close friends who are 21's but I'm not a big fan of 50 min water tread lol do I didn't even try.

I was young and hunghoe when I joined so I cross trained as much as I could within the 03 field and learned quite a bit about all grunt jobs. I couldn't get that mortar bullshit down though lol

I'm not really sure why everyone wants to be a Navy Seal???

In personal exp all I've found that comes from the "I'm a Marine, navy seal or SF" crap is "oh you think you're a bad ass huh well how about me and my friends kick your ass" lol it just causes probs amongst civis trying to be hard.

Hunter Of Gunmen
i would kick all your asses gun or not
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