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Told Doc About Steroid Use ...

Most docs are not educated in the field of antiaging/longevity/performance enhancement. Many take the negative side and refuse to diagnose and prescribe. Many do not know the proper blood tests, how to read them, or know anything about the use of anabolics and the ancillaries. Remember, today's docs are trained to treat disease. You can inform your doc of your AAS use, but I think it is something to keep private for now. Most docs will not be as understanding and liberal-minded.

There are a few docs (myself included) that have gone back and re-read our genetics, biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, and pharamcology textbooks and we can see the benefits of properly prescribed anabolics and ancillaries. Unfortunately, there isn't much current, credible research on practical we depend on our basic science knowledge and anecdotal evidence. I try to read as much as possible about the subject and I even read some foreign studies. So, for now, I go with what works and what is safe.

The other problem is pharmacies. It is difficult to find a pharmacy to work with. It has taken me a year to find two pharmacies that understand the needs, the privacy, the confidentiality of the client/patient. The traditional pharmacist is also trained to prescribe for diseases. They (and insurance companies) frown upon elective use of medications. By elective, I mean non-disease state. Progressive docs and progressive pharmacists are walking a fine line, and will continue walking that line until the public, the medical establishment and government establish acceptable guidelines. This may take years.
DrJMW said:
Progressive docs and progressive pharmacists are walking a fine line, and will continue walking that line until the public, the medical establishment and government establish acceptable guidelines. This may take years.

Good post.

Is there anything significant being done to change the current views?
beastboy said:

Good post.

Is there anything significant being done to change the current views?

Not much. Maybe there should be a million roiders march. LOL I can see all it now...a million gorilla-men storming the capital in cut off shirts!
You are a lucky bastard!
Even though I live in Canada and have free health care, I would pay extra to have a doc like that.
i went to the doc once for test and he was totally cool. He simply told me about my lab results and gave me a list of supplements to use instead of roids. Not pushy at all.-Josh
Why couldn't you just go into a regular doctor's office and complain of fatigue and sexual dysfunction....wouldn't that be enough for them to reccomend a blood test? or no? just curious...
under_dawg said:
Why couldn't you just go into a regular doctor's office and complain of fatigue and sexual dysfunction....wouldn't that be enough for them to reccomend a blood test? or no? just curious...
Yes I think this would get you a test level screening.
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