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test prop tren ace cycle


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Hey guys im doing a cutting phase rite now and im currently on GH at 4iu's ed and im gonna start test prop and tren acetate anytime now.
i was thinkin
1-10 test p at 100mg ED
1-8 tren a at 70mg ED
and at about week 6 im thinking about adding Winstrol at 50mg ED (first time using winstrol). I have some t3 on hand as well do u guys think i should throw it in ? and if so for how long?
stats : 4th cycle 25yo 14% BF 6'0 250 lbs.
Let me know what you guys think, any opinions would be appreciated thanks!
Hey guys im doing a cutting phase rite now and im currently on GH at 4iu's ed and im gonna start test prop and tren acetate anytime now.
i was thinkin
1-10 test p at 100mg ED
1-8 tren a at 70mg ED
and at about week 6 im thinking about adding Winstrol at 50mg ED (first time using winstrol). I have some t3 on hand as well do u guys think i should throw it in ? and if so for how long?
stats : 4th cycle 25yo 14% BF 6'0 250 lbs.
Let me know what you guys think, any opinions would be appreciated thanks!

Looks pretty good. I would add the WINSTROL myself. Thats one of my favorite cycles.
yea i think ill start the winny at 75mg ed then! What do u guys think about the t3 (cytomel) tho? and do u guys think ED injects would be fine or should i go with EOD although i heard ED is best for test prop.
ED for tren A and test Prop.

Anyone who says EOD only says it becasue they dont like ED injects. ED keeps blood level more constant.
Thanks bro i think i'll just stick with 25mcg then. Whats the minimum amount of time u think i should run the t3 for? Because i have half a bottle laying around and i rather just do that then go out and buy another bottle.
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