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Test cycle..

Robert schmer

New member
43 6 ft 277lbs 22% bdf.
Been lifting for 4 yrs started out 415 lbs 60% bdf.

I want to do a test cycle to . 250 mg a week to start.. No stacking .
1. Speed up recovery time
2. Help loose weight
3. Build muscle .

Iam concerned bdf is too high and maybe be susceptible to more side effects . gyno as my #1 concern.

I plan to do hgh an novadex for my pct
And have arimadex on side for gyno flare up....

I have done several cycles of pro hormones. Unfortunately they did nothing for me except kidney pumps do to the high volume I took...
43 6 ft 277lbs 22% bdf.
Been lifting for 4 yrs started out 415 lbs 60% bdf.

I want to do a test cycle to . 250 mg a week to start.. No stacking .
1. Speed up recovery time
2. Help loose weight
3. Build muscle .

Iam concerned bdf is too high and maybe be susceptible to more side effects . gyno as my #1 concern.

I plan to do hgh an novadex for my pct
And have arimadex on side for gyno flare up....

I have done several cycles of pro hormones. Unfortunately they did nothing for me except kidney pumps do to the high volume I took...

Wow you lost a lot of weight good on you!

Also can tell you've been doing some reading..

Excellent choice of low test 250mg per week. All you need really. Dont exceed 300 even in the future 200-300mg is all you need.. You will see for yourself since you are starting on the right dose..

I found arimidex to be more potent than nolva. Maybe swap. So use nolva on cycle and arimidex for pct as your test levels will drop when you quit injecting test and your levels will start playing up out of balance and see more estro/gyno sides..

Good idea to have your AI's ready with your cycle always and especially that you are already carrying some BF..

Excellent job whatever you did, im guessing hard training mix of cardio and strength and a proper diet..

Keep us updated!

Good luck✌🏽️
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