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:worried: WTF is going on with these alien creatures?!?!!?!?!?!? Did someone come steal all of the teenagers and replace them with robots?!?!?!?!?!? Did they all have a meeting?
My friend's daughter(13 y/o) snuck out with and wrecked his truck.
My other friend's daughter was arrested for shop lifting at the mall(she's 13 y/o)
AND my other friend's son(14 y/o) was busted, by his dad, posting on myspace about having sex with his' girlfriend.
This was all in the same night. WTF?
blueta2 said:
It's called evolution and bad parenting
kids have been doing that same shit througout history
nothing new in myway's post...i thought she was gonna say some shit about guns/crack
Tirpitz said:
kids have been doing that same shit througout history
nothing new in myway's post...i thought she was gonna say some shit about guns/crack
Yes, but happened WAY less years ago. Kids today feel more entitled!
blueta2 said:
Yes, but happened WAY less years ago. Kids today feel more entitled!
maybe their is some truth to that
or maybe media outlets and a pop that has trebled in the last 50 yrs has more to do with it
Tirpitz said:
kids have been doing that same shit througout history
nothing new in myway's post...i thought she was gonna say some shit about guns/crack

I KNOW they do shit like that BUT for it to be happening so often that I hear about 3 being jerkoffs in the SAME night?!?!?!? That's nutz. Plus, when I think of that stuff, it's usually a little older(16, 17ish).
Guns and crack? Nope. Not here. Here, u can't afford guns and crack until ur in ur 20s. Our drug problem is usually meth and they usually start that around 17-18 around here, anyways. While i'm working, I occasionally run into a 15y/o on meth but if u wanna run ur own meth house.... u gotta be at least 18.
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