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Stalin's own thread.

27 million russian's dead
13 million polish
jews-5million???????????????????? what holocost.
I think it would be safe to assume that Stalin was not "bringing sexy back."
Gambino said:
his son, josef i think was his name, was taken hostage by stalin's political enemies.
they demanded concessions and they would return his son unharmed
stalin declined and his son was killed
talk about hardcore

i dont know if it was another one or this one but i believe the germans caught 1 in ww2 and tried to negotiate a swap for a nazi general. stalin said no and his son was executed.
Stalin = Very bad man.
I would like to see some gruesome pictures. I'm not sure why.
It seems (generally speaking) that in a tyrants regime, the closer you are to the top, the closer you are to being killed by the tyrant.
Back stab your way up the ladder, just to be offed yourself seems kind of poetic.
Spartacus said:

IT IS estimated that about 32 million people were killed by Joseph Stalin during his reign of terror between 1924 and 1953, with his chief method of disposal being the Gulags (short for Glavnoye Upravleniye Lagere), which were labour camps to house opponents of his regime.

Probably the worst of the camps was at Kolyma, in north-eastern Siberia, where temperatures dropped to minus 30F during the winter.

About a third of the prisoners at Kolyma died each year.

Those sent to the Gulags included peasants who were accused of "individualistic tendencies" and opposed the establishment of collective farms. Others such as writers and those with contrary religious beliefs were also sent to the camps.

Stalin was particularly suspicious of people who lived abroad or had relatives overseas. This included foreign communists who had fled to the Soviet Union to avoid persecution from their own governments.

Less is known about Gulags than the Nazi death camps, because of the secretive nature of the Soviet regime, but their victims were simply starved to death.

Jesus Christ!
Might as well include Trotsky and Lenin up in this thread, since Stalin basically picked up where they left off.
Gambino said:
french soliders? lol figures
btw check out ernst junger if you ever wanna a good german first hand acct of ww1

On Junger-

Throughout his whole life he had experimented with drugs such as ether, cocaine, and hashish; and later in life he used mescaline and LSD. These experiments were recorded comprehensively in Annäherungen (1970, "Approaches"). The novel Besuch auf Godenholm (1952, "Visit to Godenholm") is clearly influenced by his early experiments with mescaline and LSD. He met several times with LSD inventor Albert Hofmann and they took LSD together. Hofmann's memoir LSD, My Problem Child describes some of these meetings.


In 1970, at age 75, Junger discomfited his conservative fans by publishing a book detailing his lifelong experiments with drugs of all kinds, including his LSD trips in the 1950s with Albert Hofmann, the discoverer of the hallucinogen. It is Junger's reputation as an unpredictable literary adventurer that may account for his surprising popularity in France, where more than 40 of his books have been translated, and where he is widely regarded as an "action intellectual" in the Malraux vein. In 1985 Junger was invited to join French president Francois Mitterrand and German chancellor Helmut Kohl in Verdun for ceremonies honoring the dead of World War I; Mitterrand subsequently asked him to breakfast at the Elysee palace. In the last decade, debates over Junger's status as an unrepentant "reactionary modernist" have raged constantly in the German press, climaxing recently with a full-scale attack on his work in the country's most prominent newsweekly, Der Spiegel.


He also refused Hitler's offers of friendship in the '20's and refused membership in the Nazi party.

All in all he doesn't sound like the most credible historical writer in the world.
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