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simple macronutrient questions


New member
Hey guys--

3 basic questions that I could use a little help on.

1. I know that each gram of fat has 9 calories and each gram of carbs has 4--is the number for protein 3 or 4?

2. can anybody direct me to a website/article/book that has a relatively scientific and detailed approach to calculating one's maintanence caloroic needs?

3. can anybody direct me to a website/article/book that has an extensive listing of nutrional values of most foods?

Any help greatly appreciated,
Here is a website to compute maintenace calories.
The main thing to remember if you are trying to lose weight is that not all calories are created equal. If you eat protien and fat together vs eating carbohydrate and fat even if it is the same calories you will gain weight on the carbs and fat much moreso then the protein and fat. You should restrict your carbs to healthy salad type vegetables and berries too as far as fruits go especially Strawberries. Good luck to you. If you want a good book to read check out Protein Power Lifeplan by Drs Michael and Mary Eades it is the best total health book I have ever read. They back up their recommendations much better then the other diet books. It is 9.95 in paperback so it's pretty cheap too.
quaker said:
Hey guys--

3 basic questions that I could use a little help on.

1. I know that each gram of fat has 9 calories and each gram of carbs has 4--is the number for protein 3 or 4?

2. can anybody direct me to a website/article/book that has a relatively scientific and detailed approach to calculating one's maintanence caloroic needs?

3. can anybody direct me to a website/article/book that has an extensive listing of nutrional values of most foods?

Any help greatly appreciated,

1. 1 gram fat= 9 cals, 1 gram carbohydrate= 4 cals, 1 gram protein= 4 cals.

2. most ppl just follow roughly 15 X bodyweight - 500 for total cals when cutting, 15 X bodyweight total cals when maintenance, and 20 X bodywiehgt when bulking. then u split this into your macronutreitn breakdonw with whichever one you choose, so if it is a 50/30/20 pro/carb/fat just times .5 * the total cals u need, and that will be the total cals for that macronutreint each day. then to get that in grams just divide it by 4 if it is a carb or protein, and 9 if it is a fat. u get that?

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