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Sick all the time. Especially when start new cycle. What the f(*K??


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OK so since Jan05 i've been getting sick a lot. I've always had a weak immune system. In my teen years(never touched a weight then) I would usually get sick like 3x a year. I have feeling I took so many antibiotics, in my teen years that my body can't fight stuff off as much. Anyway, in jan I got sick and it lasted like 3months. Its weird b/c its only flu like aches/chills. I never get the sore throat,runny nose,swollen glands,fever,dirrea,etc...its just the flu feeling. You know, that weak fluy achy feeling. Two advil or tylenol usually takes it completely away for like 4hrs or so, so I know its nothing too serious like cancer,etc..if advil will take it all away. Anyway I got a blood test for everything. Im talking all hormones,cbc,cortisol,thyroid,immune system,diabetes,etc.... Nothing. All good. So then I go to another dr. who says hes postive I have mono. Gives me mono test and I don't have it. Then he gives me a hepatitus test and some liver tests and all good as well. So is there anything else it could be from the symptoms i've listed. After the 3months I felt good for like 6months and then it hit again. This one lasted like 3 months as well. I tried both tamiflu,antibiotics and that did nothing either. Actually antibiotics(zpack) made me feel better for like 2weeks but it hit again. Also it usually starts when I start a cycle. I know a lot of people get the flu when starting, but 3months is too long. Its not overtraining either b/c ive taken lots of 2week breaks and still no luck. Any advice on what to do? Thanks

BTW, I was feeling fine for a while like usuall while on HRT and then I just started Tbol at like 60mg ed just for 2weeks since i've never tried it and wanted to see how it felt, and bammm now i've been sick for like a week. same flu feeling. Just achey and fluy feeling.
When I was using Tbol I got sick several times as well as 2 bad infections. I did a bunch of research and, although I forget where I found the info, read that Turinabol can depress the immune system. Not sure if that's 100% accurate as so much in the Internet is questionable, but I felt a WHOLE lot better after coming off the Tbol. Could be coincidence...

not sure what options you have

Take a multivit which gives u 100% on all required vits and minerals. Take vit c 1g int he morning and evening.

eat at LEAST 3 fruits a day...more like 4-5. I've found this had the best effect for me healthwise and on my skin.

I also found when on aas I seem to become more prone.

Thats why I was thinking ratehr do low dose test or something. BUt my doseages have been pretty low...2-3 weeks t prop 150mg eod anyway.
When you come off of a cycle your immune system will be compromised. I came off of a big cycle in the winter and I got sick. I don't usually get sick, so that is a significant occurance for me. I am sure it was because my immune system was weak cause of the hormonal changes of comming off a big cycle.
o yeh

be patient with the advice I gave you. It will take prob about 2 months before you feel significantly better. Your diet should also be good with good quality protein and complex carbs with fibre.

I reaped the most benefit from it when I was strict on tht eg fruit every day 4 pieces etc adds up slowly.

THe final thign is stress...if there's anythign u stress about esp for long periods, it will compromise you.

How is your libido and erections?
fullybuilt said:
BTW, I was feeling fine for a while like usuall while on HRT and then I just started Tbol at like 60mg ed just for 2weeks since i've never tried it and wanted to see how it felt, and bammm now i've been sick for like a week. same flu feeling. Just achey and fluy feeling.

Can't really tell from your post... are you on HRT?
sometimes juice'll do that to you. can you still lift? your numbers dropping off? if not, don't worry about it, it'll pass.
njmuscleguy said:
Can't really tell from your post... are you on HRT?

Yah, on hrt. 150mg test cyp per week. Had naturally low levels. The only thing I can think of is the last time I got a flu shot was winter of 03 and didnt get it winter of 04/05 and i've been sick ever since then. Im def getting one this october. I doubt it will solve my problem but its worth a shot. I just wish I had more symptoms like a sore throat and swollen glands,fever,etc... b/c thats the flu or a cold. I just have the flu feeling all the time. The shitty flu achey feeling and that it. Nothing else.
I used to get the SUST Flu all the time, Even got Flu-Like Symtoms from t-400 and Oxymethalone (Anadrol) But I dont know considering the length of time associated here??? Bump For Responces for this guy.... Drols
HumanTarget said:
sometimes juice'll do that to you. can you still lift? your numbers dropping off? if not, don't worry about it, it'll pass.

Yah I can still lift but not like 6days on 1off like I used to. Now its like 2on 1off depending on how I feel. Whats crazy is my last cycle last jan was GH,test,eq and tren and I was sick throughout like 3/4's of it. I still went from like 215 to 240lbs with very minimal bodyfat and I was only able to train an average of 3x per week and took a few 2weeks breaks due to how sick I was. If i only was able to train properly I wonder what I could have done. When I start my next cycle this Jan im gonna start antibiotics and tamiflu like 2weeks before I start my cycle so hopefull that will help.
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