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Several Sources Take A Dive... Another Greek Mia...

Big Rick Rock said:
The witch hunt is on... I thought the MAN had bigger things to worry about than responsable adults trying to gain a few pounds. I guess I was wrong.


That's primarily because "The Man" doesn't believe that there are any "responsible adults", thus we all get treated like children. yay!
Very sad indeed. Let this be a reminder to all .. that this is a serious game, and an illegal game, ... as innocent as it may seem to all.

Satch ... how is it possible for P*/C* to go down? Is he not from a country that dosent give a flying fuck about gear? Just seems strange .. I can see how US domestic sources get popped, but not sources from "gear friendly" or politcally corrupt countries. Did the US have something to do with him being popped somehow? I know there are still a lot of details missing, just dont get how the Int sources from certain countries actually can get popped... AS WELL as their domestic remailers etc. Makes me think that the US is working with the gov in the countries overseas somehow.

Sources are tightening security now. My primary one is now only accepting hushmail and cyber-rights e-mail, will not take any new customers, etc.

I feel for those bros. They put their asses on the line and now they are going to have their lives turned upside down and go though hell, not to mention the stress and strain it will put on their personal relationships, go for a ride in the legal system, all for helping out their "bros."

It kind of pisses me off when I read all these "save your own ass" posts when your best friend in the world last week, your source, gets busted and now if ever is when he needs some people to stand up and help him out financially and morally. But when shit goes down you find out who your friends are.

I'm not saying not to take the proper precautions to make sure you and your family are out of harms way, but people tend to have a short memory when it's not just a computer thing anymore and can get personal.

G**X - my prayers are with you bro, stay strong.

Eh bro ... I dont personally know any of those sources, but have spoke with a few of them on a few occasions. I do know some sources very well though, it it would really suck to go see any of them go down.

One thing that you really do have to remember though bro .. is that no one forced them into this. They made the decision to source. As the old saying goes .. dont do the crime if you cant do the time. Sure ... you can make a lot of money sourcing .. but you also have to realise, that at ANY point your life can get flip turned upside down .. just like that. Its the risk that they have all decided to take. Some are definately much more carefull than others ... and some have just have much worse luck than others as well. Its all a big risk.
MAVY bro, to answer your question..

yes P*/C* was indeed from from a foreign country that DOES care very much about gear nowadays. i think people have a big misconception about that country as, in the past, gear was easily available there.. those days are gone bro.

i was in good contact with the bro and he dissapeared out of nowhere...
very strange!
Mavy said:
Eh bro ... I dont personally know any of those sources, but have spoke with a few of them on a few occasions. I do know some sources very well though, it it would really suck to go see any of them go down.

One thing that you really do have to remember though bro .. is that no one forced them into this. They made the decision to source. As the old saying goes .. dont do the crime if you cant do the time. Sure ... you can make a lot of money sourcing .. but you also have to realise, that at ANY point your life can get flip turned upside down .. just like that. Its the risk that they have all decided to take. Some are definately much more carefull than others ... and some have just have much worse luck than others as well. Its all a big risk.

I agree completely. If you cant do the crime dont do the time. I'm sure these sources thought of this before entering the biz. They are not asking for any sympathy, they all knew the risks and were willing to take them.

But if my bro is out there risking his ass for me and he gets into trouble, I'll be damned if I'm going to turn my back on him like so many people do. By all means dont go out and do or say anything incrimining to make things worse, but remeber what you believe in and respect the fact that he put his ass on the line, benefitting financially provided, to help out us Iron bros.

I've been there and when you are on top everyone loves you, when you take a hit, it's like cockroaches when a light goes on; you find out who your true friends are.

I know G**X and despite everything he is the same man he was before this happened.

Thats all I was trying to get across. Hope it cleared things up.
Sounds very familiar. I have seen this happen to guys before. Friends will scatter and ones you did not think would be there are right beside you trying to help.

I think its really messed up I can drive 15 min away from here and buy crack off many streets easily but they try to bust my buddies who have good jobs for using gear. I have literally seen guys I used to work with buy shit off these thugs by just driving there car up to them. I honestly think many cops are afraid of that part of town so they try to bust the guys who have never been in any kind of trouble other than trying to better themselves.

But yes it is what it is. Illegal.
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