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saw episode 3


Plat Hero
And it was better than 1 and 2, although that doesn't say much.

Episodes 1 + 2: good action, crappy story, crappy acting
Episode 3: good action, good story, crappy acting

And the addition of a good story is enough to propel it from mediocre to somewhere on the low end of good. However the acting, the human interest, the emotionally compelling characters and dialogue... just... aren't... there.

I had high expectations going in because I had read the book while I was bored at work, and it was surprisingly awesome. The book really gives you a sense of how the emperor masterfully manipulated events to prey upon a vulnerable and emotional anakin. You really feel you know the characters, and that makes it all the more painful when the forces of good make a stand... and just barely lose.

For instance, book vs. movie.
Obi-wan looked down on the jedi children, shedding tears down tracks that had not been dry since morning. "They even killed the younglings."
Yoda: "A last stand they here made. Look, stayed to protect the children the lightsaber instructor did."
Obi-wan's grief gave way to an eerie detachment as he noticed something. "This wound was caused by a lightsaber."
Yoda: "Leave we must"
Obi-wan: "No! I must find out what happened!" (they run off)

Obi-wan looks down on dead jedi children. Detached: "They even killed the younglings."
Yoda: "Caused by a lightsaber this wound was."
Obiwan: "I must see the security footage." (they walk off)

This contrast was symptomatic of the entire movie. Whenever the movie has a chance to make the actors human, to convey emotion in any way, it fails.

many will say they liked it due to the solid action and good storyline... but all the lightsaber fights and mystique can't make up for the fact that, in the end, you don't care about the characters.

Take a moment to remember the initial star wars or empire strikes back. When leia watches han descend into carbonite, she impulsively calls out "I love you!" Han solemnly replies, "I know." And we feel her pain.

I doubt I will remember a single scene from this movie as vividly as I remember almost the entire contents of the original trilogy.

rating: C+
I didn’t read the book, however most of my expectations developed from watching the cartoon version on cartoon network (part of Lucas Production) and I can seriously say that the cartoon version kicks serious ass. I am critical in particular with the dueling/fighting scenes.

I can’t believe how quickly those Jedis died. In the cartoon version we actually get to see some of the dynamics and personality of these individual Jedi dueling out to defend their very lives and save Chancellor Palpatine from General Grievous.

General Grievous- this partly robotic/alien was an object of ridicule and a total joke.
In the cartoon version we see him as a cunning warrior and a true strategist leading the forces of the Confederacy into battle against the Republic. He hunts Jedi for sport and is ruthless in cartoon; he pretty much cornered many of them at once and appeared to many of the Jedis to be the most skillful and powerful enemy to ever set force and oppose the Jedi Council. He hunts them down and displays his victory in the collection of his victims’ lightsabers. We are talking about a General that has been trained by Sith Lord and yet Episode III failed to have portrayed much of the ruthless and skillful aspects of him entirely.

The only credible dueling scene was General Mace Windu going one on one with Chancellor Palpatine. We see a conscientious and probably one of the strongest Jedi ever (following after Master Yoda & Anakin) to set foot down and face the very mastermind of darkside alone. In the name of justice and peace General Mace Windu outforced Sith Lord, which ended up in almost killing that nasty bitch and ending this whole war; however only to be interfered with the conflicted and ambivalent Anakin.

3 stars out of 5 from me.
casualbb said:
Take a moment to remember the initial star wars or empire strikes back. When leia watches han descend into carbonite, she impulsively calls out "I love you!" Han solemnly replies, "I know." And we feel her pain.

Harrison Ford ad-libbed that line.
yea i was listening to the radio last night and they were playing all the soundtracks from starwars. and in an interview lucas was talking about starwars being like a silent movie. thats how it was written, in a silent movie the music carries the movie not dialogue. i guess he was serious.
spongebob said:
yea i was listening to the radio last night and they were playing all the soundtracks from starwars. and in an interview lucas was talking about starwars being like a silent movie. thats how it was written, in a silent movie the music carries the movie not dialogue. i guess he was serious.
Did he also say that the bad guys were whiney bitches?
this movie was excellent. best of the first 3, definately.
I usually judge a movie if i can see myself watching it mutiple times. No way in hell im watching this again. Half the time i wasent sure if they meant something to be funny but it was just bad. Them fighting on lava was terrible. All that money spent and it looked like a shitty blue screen effect.
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