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I used Paxil when it first came out for anxiety I "thought" I was going through. At first it seemed to help with that fluttering nrevous feeling in my gut but after a while I simply couldn't feel. What I mean by that is I couldn't feel happiness, sadness, joy, etc... It was as if I had a minor labotomy. I got off of it. Titrade down, never stop at once or anxiety will be over whelming. After a couple of weeks I could "feel" again. I stopped using it about 3 years ago and have been just fine. Everyone experiences anxiety of some sort, it's just in how they go about working with it. Some people may truly need it but I feel that it's over prescribed just like prozac in this day and age as a quick fix. Just my humble opinion from experience.
I took it years back, and it was terrible. I found no relief when taking it. I was tired all the time, and seemed like i could not function correctly.
needtogow2007612 said:
thanks my doctor must be a
not necessarily a loser, maybe paxil is cheaper so he figured he would save you some money...All I know is that from my experience along with others whom I have spoken with, I would not take it..You can speak with your Dr and express your concerns and ask if there is anything else that he recommends besides Paxil. As posted above St Johns is a great product..I have heard many people say that it is their product of choice.
See the thing is with all these meds is that of course they help anxiety or what not but they give terrible other sides.So you no longer have anxiety but now you can no longer climb out of bed in the mornings, etc...My brother in law recently has been put on meds. At first he tried welbutrin which sent him so far over the edge it was crazy. All meds are different with people. One product may be good for you but not for me..It all depends on your body..But I do know that I have not met a single person on paxil that claimed it was great for them.
needtogow2007612 said:
thanks my doctor must be a

No, just the typical greedy fuck that regularly over prescribes meds to weak minded individuals seeking a pill to solve their life's problems. Some people truly are better off on these meds because they prevent them from hurting themself or others, but for the most part these drugs do more harm than good.

I love how people find it OK to be on these meds, drink alcohol excessively, and smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day just because they are legal. Yet if you smoke dope or take AS you are a loser because these drugs are illegal? Duh!
Some people have no free thought process whatsoever. They blindly follow whatever big brother says as if it's cast in stone. People like this make me sick, and they are a danger to society. In time they are the types that will surrender their rights one by one until we're all forced to be mindless sheep that are unable to make decisions on our own w/o the government sticking their nose in our personal business.

The bottom line is the government wants you hooked on legal shit. They don't give a fuck about your safety or health. They just want you doped up so you'll be complacent and without an opinion as they continue taking away your rights day after day. If the best weed and cocaine were made in America, and putting $ in their pocket, they'd be selling that shit on every fucking corner too. Everybody sees what a clusterfuck America's health care system is. You'd think that would be a red flag when it comes to Rx happy meds? In short, blind acceptance can be hazardous.
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