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next blast advice


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i was on 700mg of prop weekly 1 months ago, now i am 1 month on 350mg weekly, this week i will drop to 250 and next to 150(my trt and stay for 1 week like this.

is enough time for receptor to clear? because the gains stop for 1 month.

i will do the same cycle for 12 week and cruise again.

would 20mg of dbol for 8 week help?

can i stop doing injection and do andriol 6 caps daily? my butt want some time off.
i was on 700mg of prop weekly 1 months ago, now i am 1 month on 350mg weekly, this week i will drop to 250 and next to 150(my trt and stay for 1 week like this.

is enough time for receptor to clear? because the gains stop for 1 month.

i will do the same cycle for 12 week and cruise again.

would 20mg of dbol for 8 week help?

can i stop doing injection and do andriol 6 caps daily? my butt want some time off.

You gains probably stopped because you were eating 900 calories a day according to your other thread.

I'm really not sure of your dosing here; you went from 700/week to 350/week? How long were you running 700?

Would the d-bol help what?
You gains probably stopped because you were eating 900 calories a day according to your other thread.

I'm really not sure of your dosing here; you went from 700/week to 350/week? How long were you running 700?

Would the d-bol help what?

i ran 700 for 20 week. would dbol help news muscle gain? or 700mg will be enough?

with all due respect you are using large doses or gear and blasting and cruising when you have very little knowledge and dont have stats to even warrant gesr usages let alone 700mg of prop for 20 weeks and never coming off. do you not have any regard for your health? people like you will end up with massive health issues and blame them on steroids when 9/10 it could have been prevented and is caused purely by ignorance.

i also read you other thread, 900 cals? the fuck do you expect to grow on that. youll see better gains eating properly with no gear than you will eating like a bird on an ass load of gear.
i do blood work every month... cardiologist check e2month, i check my bp,i donate blood e6week for hematocrit. what other health issue you are talking about?you can say anything except that i don't care about my health, i am on trt (medical prescribe) because my t at 20 was 400.. my doc say was a matter of time so i make the jump.

when i was on 900kcal a day i was on 350mg week for cut the fat and try to keep muscle. dumb idea? yes probably but we learn with mistake.
with all due respect you are using large doses or gear and blasting and cruising when you have very little knowledge and dont have stats to even warrant gesr usages let alone 700mg of prop for 20 weeks and never coming off. do you not have any regard for your health? people like you will end up with massive health issues and blame them on steroids when 9/10 it could have been prevented and is caused purely by ignorance.

i also read you other thread, 900 cals? the fuck do you expect to grow on that. youll see better gains eating properly with no gear than you will eating like a bird on an ass load of gear.
^^^ I totally agree on all points here.

OP yu need to focus on diet not on gear. and you need to keep researching cycles.. id say take atleast a couple months off while you research gear and diet, seems like your heading down a bad path he way you are going about it. dont rush it.

also changing up workouts will help mass. soo many things, gear aside
^^^ i totally agree on all points here.

Op yu need to focus on diet not on gear. And you need to keep researching cycles.. Id say take atleast a couple months off while you research gear and diet, seems like your heading down a bad path he way you are going about it. Dont rush it.

Also changing up workouts will help mass. Soo many things, gear aside

=> Your LDL and HDL are maybe so bad a heart attack lr stroke can happens if an artery has a clot.
=> Your liver never takes rest liver for months or years from heavy dosage, cancer happen if it cannot repair anymore and the cells are destroyed with no rest.
=> LVH is a condition were your heart becomes larger and larger because of hypertrophy and it leads with a sudden heart attack. Time off gear makes it return to normal with time.
=> What about the prostate ? Especially with Compounds like test that converts to DHT
=> Checking your blood pressure is not enough it will be high at that dose and the artery can endure that a normal 10 week cycle then repair themself but are not made to be a lot of pressure so long with no rest.

Man your body need to cruise now with a healthy diet to reverse all that.
yo bro my advice to you is outline a gear plan and stick to it. there is no need to ramp your dosages down. you either ramp up due to factors that happen in the body and then get off. once your system is shut down its shut down ramping down will not do anything and the only thing that will help this "receptor site" theory is time off and raising your metabolic rate. if your wanting to blast and cruise hit it hard for 30 days or if you continue to grow after that keep growing then once you stop jump down to a hrt dose or get off completely. your blast and cruise should be blasting from 4-6 weeks cruising for 3-4 then repeat. your blast should be high doses which are dose dependent to you and your stats. your cruise is usually 200-300mg of test cyp or en. or being completely off.
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